When I was a teen, I didn't want to have anything to do with the things of God. It began to infuriate me when I heard the story of Adam and Eve. Why am I being judged for something that two people did eons ago, I thought angrily! What they did was just not my fault! I felt an unfair, unjust burden hanging over my head.
Because I was repeatedly warned about sin from the standpoint of The Ten Commandments, and how Hell would be my eternal home if I made any slip-ups, I felt hounded and blamed for something that I did not do.
I would ponder with disgust, Is that ALL that this Jesus and God stuff gave me? Is that all that the Bible gave me to look forward to was eternal punishment for someone else's wrong turn?
My adult life took damaging twists and destructive turns and having no one else to help me, I turned to that God that I'd learned about. Why I turned to someone whom I did not trust, and through whom I felt condemned is a story for another time.
I asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart. I wanted to be saved, to live as a Christian. As I grew in the Lord, I began to understand more about what Jesus did for us at Calvary.
My adult life took damaging twists and destructive turns and having no one else to help me, I turned to that God that I'd learned about. Why I turned to someone whom I did not trust, and through whom I felt condemned is a story for another time.
I asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart. I wanted to be saved, to live as a Christian. As I grew in the Lord, I began to understand more about what Jesus did for us at Calvary.
It is true that the failure of Adam and Eve is not our fault. It has just not been explained in that way. That is the reason that God provided a way out of the unfair condemnation. No matter how much we hate it and don't want it to be that way, it is a sentence passed on to us through the continuance of human life.
What that errant couple, who possessed free wills, did when they made the poor choice, horrendously affects our lives today and eternally. God loves us so much that he determined that this will not stand. Though the human life that he created will live on, the evil that influenced the downfall will not.
In his love for us, he provided a plan of redemption, a way to restore the connection to him that Adam and Eve's choices severed. Because it is not your fault nor my fault, he provided a way out of the sentence that no one likes to hear about. He sent a Savior, someone to right the wrong done by evil spiritual beings.
That Savior is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Through the bloodline of Adam, we all inherited death or separation from God. Alternatively, Sacred Blood had to be given to restore our inheritance of life or connection to God.
The only thing that the Gospel of Jesus Christ, what God offers through his Son, takes away from us is that unfair condemnation that we inherited by being born into this world. We all are descended from that tainted bloodline of the original, fallen couple.
The only thing that the Gospel of Jesus Christ, what God offers through his Son, takes away from us is that unfair condemnation that we inherited by being born into this world. We all are descended from that tainted bloodline of the original, fallen couple.
Alternatively, we each have the equal opportunity to have our bloodlines restored to purity by receiving God's provision for redemption. It's as simple as that. We each can go from an inherited darkness and eternal death to a restored light and eternal life.
God is a good Father and a wonderful God! What loving father would let his children live in eternal darkness for something that is not their fault? If he could in any way prevent it he would. God is the ultimate loving Father. He recognizes our unfair condition. Afterall, he is the owner of creation.
God is a good Father and a wonderful God! What loving father would let his children live in eternal darkness for something that is not their fault? If he could in any way prevent it he would. God is the ultimate loving Father. He recognizes our unfair condition. Afterall, he is the owner of creation.
He is the Most High God, the Only Wise God and the One True God. He asks for one thing from any who wants the unfair judgment lifted:
- confess that we are born into sin,
- that we can't help ourselves,
- accept that we need to be saved,
- and accept that his Son is the only Savior.
The condition that we find ourselves in when we learn about God is certainly unfair. That God, in his love, has provided a way out. Adam and Eve had a choice through their free wills. They made their choices. You, who have a free will, have a choice. You don't have to stay with theirs. You don't have to stay with the darkness that you were born with.
Do what they didn't do. Choose life. One day God is going to restore it back to the way it was meant to be on the original Earth. It's there in the Bible! Read it! Read about the upcoming New Heaven and the New Earth. There will be no more evil influence either. Don't you want to be there? Don't you want to walk in the light with God and reign with Jesus, His Son?
Image: Pixabay.com
For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him may not die
but have eternal life.
John 3:16 GNT
But God put his love on the line for us
by offering his Son in sacrificial death
while we were of no use whatever to him.
Romans 5:8 TMB
If you would like to be sure that you are Saved, say this simple prayer:
I believe that you are the Son of God and that you died for me so that I don't have to live in darkness anymore. Save me so that I can live in the light of Our Heavenly Father. Help me to understand and grow as a Christian. I know that I don't have to fear death anymore. I have moved from darkness into the light. Thank you, Jesus, for Eternal Life.
Now tell someone about what you have done.
If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)
Scriptures: BibleStudyTools.com Image: Pixabay.com