Showing posts with label Daily Greetings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daily Greetings. Show all posts

Happy Easter! He Arose!


We who believe celebrate Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead. 

He's at the right hand of Our Father God praying for us till He returns for us. 

Because HE LIVES, we will live also. 

He IS the Resurrection and the Life!


Images Credit: Google

Happy Wednesday: God's Daily Provision

God will always provide our needs daily. We are to practice good management of our lives but this does not include obsessing and stressing about the future. 

Our main management efforts are to focus on today and also not to be overly absorbed with physical and material needs and wants for today. 

God wants us to be centered on spiritual growth each day. Through that commitment will we then see God's provision in every way, each day.

Matthew 6:33-34


Happy Friday: God's Sin-Covering Love

It is with God's love only that we can love our enemies because it is his love that covers a multitude of sins. When we try to love with our own, fleshly love, we can't, especially when we have been offended, disappointed or hurt. God's love, however, triumphs over all of that. It is through God's love in us flowing out towards the unlovable, that we are able to make Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the Cross valid. 

If we can't come to love those whom we insist that it is impossible to love, then Our Savior's sacrifice has no power in our lives. If we are working with God to love ourselves then we can, through the help of his Holy Spirit, come to truly love those who have offended us.

Ask God to fill your heart with love and expand it within you so that you can love the unlovable in the way that pleases him.


Love Yourself With God's Love


God loves us unrelentingly.

Why not love ourselves?

Only then can we love others with his love.

His love is shed abroad in our hearts when we love ourselves enough to receive it.

His love then flows from us out to others and covers a multitude of sins.

What can you do for yourself to show that you love you with The Father's love?

Image Credit: PixTeller

Happy New Year In Christ Jesus


Happy New Year!

May you begin 2023 with a renewed spirit, 

ready to become recommitted to 

God Our Father's plan for your life 

and to casting all of your cares 

on Jesus Our Lord and Savior.

Father Teach Us About Charity

Dear Father: 

Help us to receive a deeper understanding of the ways that we should allow charity to reign in our lives, for we know that it involves more than our initial thoughts on what love is. Thank you for the knowledge and help us to be more obedient. Amen!

Happy Christian Monday

God made this day.

No matter where we are or what we are having to do, Monday does not have to get us down.

We know a Father who has our best interests at heart and who provides for us a hope and a future! Because of that, we have much to look forward to.

Choose happiness today and find things for which to be glad. Count them one by one, for they are many. Cultivate gratefulness and joy will follow.

Happy Godly Monday!



Image Credit: Thankful Thirteen

Blessed Wednesday! Focus On The Positive!

God's will includes living our lives to the fullest no matter what circumstances we are in. There are many ways that we can more appreciate what God has done and live more uplifting, fulfilling lives. Giving thanks and reaching out to help others helps us to focus on the positive that serving God through Jesus Christ brings into our lives. Even though it is very difficult sometimes to feel positive, God's knows our hearts and will help us if we ask. 

We are so used to working things out for ourselves that we have been trained to not ask for help. We forget that despite how things have been or are for us, God cares about every little thing that concerns us. Just because he doesn't always change our difficult circumstances doesn't mean that he does not care. His plans are just so perfect and his blessings so great that we can't perceive them in advance.

The cares and troubles of this life easily get us down. Some of us have many more struggles than others, so we often feel hopeless and alone. Despite this, our compassionate and kind Father in Heaven is always near to help us to focus on the positive that is available to all who love him and believe in salvation through The Lamb, his precious Son, Jesus Christ.

Help is always near, through The Father, who knows everything about us, through The Son who is ever interceding for us, and through The Holy Spirit, who is given to all Believers as a comforter and a guide.

Dear Father: Increase our faith, restore unto us the joy of our salvation, uphold us with your free Spirit. Help us. We love you with a perfect love in our reborn spirits and nothing can separate us from your love. Thank you, Father! 


Happy Good Friday In Jesus' Name!


 Jesus is Lord!

Honoring Jesus Christ On Good Friday
Honoring our Savior Jesus Christ's obedience as he went faithfully
to the cross. All done
for each one of us,
for the joy to come.
Jesus Christ Is Worthy To Be Praised
On Good Friday And Everyday

Thank You Dear Lord For Your Sacrifice On My Behalf.

Happy Monday & Being Honest With God


When I am honest with God, I feel so much power. It's like the covering has been stripped off of secrets and hidden things that don't need to be kept secret from God. Indeed, we don't need to keep anything from God. He knows it all.

The thought came to my mind this morning that whatever we keep secret from God the devil is able to keep using against us. We know that the devil works in darkness. Hiding our true thoughts from God and bringing sanitized prayers to him is darkness.

God is light. In him is no darkness at all. Wherever God looks is light. He sees all. When he looks at us, he sees the whole truth. All the hidden nooks and crannies of our entire existence is open to God's sight. He does not care about all of that, because His Son paid it all.

There is only one thing that God cares about. There is only one thing that is due from us, only one thing that Our Father requires. Honesty. His desire is that we do not continue to hide what is not hidden from him.

He wants us to share with him, tell him the truth, bring it all out into the open, put it all on the table that is between us and him only. He wants us to do this purging every day. Only then can we feel cleansed, hopeful and deeply connected to God.

Don't let fear of what God will think, shame about how we really feel and the devil's intimidation cheat you anymore.

Deep Honesty With God = POWER!



Image Credit: Risen Hope Ministries

Gratefulness Equals Miracles


Raining cats and dogs, what to do...?

There is much to be grateful for, even though there can be trials, challenges, difficulties and struggles. Sometimes we may be so discouraged that we feel like we have to search for things for which to be grateful.

We feel so beaten down by life in this lost and dying world that we just get tired. At those times, we find it hard to be thankful because it may not be just raining. It may be raining cats and dogs and maybe it has been raining for some time. So what is there to do?

Living by faith so choose faith.

We know that we live by faith so we choose to turn once again to the author and the finisher of our faith, the precious Son, Jesus Christ. We choose once again to turn to our Heavenly Father, who through his loving kindnesses and mercies sent his Spirit to comfort us. We once again choose our ever-growing faith and what does our faith require?

Have faith, don't pretend.
Faith does not require that we pretend that the strains are not there. Faith requires that we rise above them by focusing on the things that make us grateful. While the answers and solutions to issues are being prepared by Our Heavenly Father, seeking gratefulness is a worthy effort to make, for it brings the light of His sunshine into sight.  David said, Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him from them all." (Psalm 34:19) 

Choosing our faith every time reminds us that there is hope in a Father who will not allow anything to separate us from His love. There is hope in a Savior who will never leave us nor forsake us. There is hope in a Holy Spirit who will lead and guide us into all truth.

Gratefulness = Faith = Hope. Miracles are not far behind.




Merry Christmas!

To You & Your Family!

The Reason For The Season

Be Safe & Be At Peace
This Holiday Season &
Throughout The New Year

We Love You Father In Heaven &
Thank You For Sending Your Only Son 
Because You Loved Us So Much
Before We Loved You!
John 3:16 

He Is Certainly Alive! Honoring Jesus Christ Of Nazareth

Happy Easter from Draw Nigh To Hope
  He Arose & He Is Certainly Alive
God loved us so much that he sent Jesus to die for us.
Happy Easter,
the day that Jesus arose!
We celebrate his love for us!
 He was obedient to the cross.
He was separated from his Father for a period in time,
all for our salvation.

 We remember his selfless act
and how he submitted, because his Father
asked him to.

 It was all for us. 
For God so loved us 
that he sacrificed His Only Son,
so that whoever believes on Him
should have everlasting life.

  I hope your Easter is full of joy and peace
that carries throughout the entire week.

Start Each Day With Thankfulness

I thank God 

For a successful day

Filled with faith, hope and focus

Matthew 6:22
Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body.
When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light. 

 The lamp of the body is the eye: if therefore your eye is sound,
your whole body will be full of light.

 The light of the body is the eye; if then your eye is true,
all your body will be full of light.

 The eye is the lamp of the body. Therefore, if your eye is healthy,
your whole body will be full of light.

 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single,
thy whole body shall be full of light.