Showing posts with label God The Son. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God The Son. Show all posts



I know the Lord, I know the Lord!

My spirit jumps for joy!

I know the Lord, I know the Lord!

And death has been destroyed.

For God's the very heart of me.

I love him evermore.

Without him never want to be.

I know the Lord, oh joy!


(c)Sandra Johnson/Draw Nigh To Hope

He Is Also Coming Back

All of us who love him should make a commitment to think about Jesus always. When our minds stray, an alarm should go off, sirens should scream and red lights should flash to remind us to bring our minds back to Jesus.

As we all know, daily life is becoming more dangerous. While living in fear is not God's desire for us, we can no longer be assured that we will never encounter a fatal situation. We don't know when we could unexpectedly leave this earth. While I know that I am saved through the Shed Blood of Our Dear Savior, Jesus Christ, that is not enough for me. 

Should I leave unexpectedly in any way or should he return before I leave this earth, I want my mind to be as closely upon him as it can be at that moment. I don't want my mind consumed by the cares of this world, desires and distractions when the Word tells me that My Savior will come back in the twinkling of an eye.

During this Easter Day celebration, let us remember that yes, Jesus has risen. Yes, Jesus is alive but he also is coming back and is worthy of our daily thoughts.  

For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. (I Thessalonians 5:2)

Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed—in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. (I Corinthians 15:51-52)

For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. (I Thessalonians 4:16-17)

Image Of Resurrection Garden: Domestically Blissful

Free Printable Bookmarks John 3:16

Free Christian Bookmarks Printable

Featuring John 3:16

Choose a white background, lavender or yellow. You can download all 3, free of charge, but each has to be ordered separately.

Order and download here.

God bless!

Poetry: God And Son As One


How hard it must have been

For you to know, Lord,

That you were the Light Of The World

And To Walk Among Hatred And Blindness.

How hard it must have been

For you to live under

Being harassed and hated,

And to walk among

That determination to murder.

But you were determined

To enforce God's will.

Your Father, who gave you up

To a vicious world of dark haters,

Lived the horrific sacrifice through you

And with you.


©Sandra Johnson/Draw Nigh To Hope

Feeling Hopeless And Alone?

Feeling down? Struggling? You are not alone. God The Father is aware of what you are feeling and has the answers. Won't you seek him?

God The Son Cares and wants to help you. Won't you cast all of your cares upon him?

God The Holy Spirit comforts and will guide you to a safe place in your spirit and emotions. Won't you receive him?

Choose faith in God through the sacrifice of his Dear Son Jesus and come alive in his Holy Spirit. Hopelessness and discouragement are no match for power from on High!

DoItGodsWay CallOnJesus TalkToGod spiritualanswers GodsAnswer Godwilllisten godknowswhy youarenotalone ifeelhopelessandalone IamUnHappy ifeelmiserable askjesus askgodforhelp

Happy Sunday: Our Father Is Light


God said let there be light and there was light. Genesis 1:3

Our Father is light and in him is no darkness at all. I John 1:5

Those who trust him and have accepted His Dear Son Jesus as their Savior will live in the light of The One True God forever and ever. Revelations 21:23

Happy Sunday!

Freedom In Christ No Fellowship In Bondage

Many Christians make a big deal of things that God is not concerned about. They put the yoke of bondage on other Christians and say that it is God. They don't understand freedom in Christ or they won't accept it. They, therefore, don't want others to receive it. They want other Christians to be bound as they are but they don't call it bondage. They call it particulars of the Christian walk that God Our Father requires.

Walking with God is very personal for those who are on the narrow path and who eat and drink the Holy Word everyday. When each of us understands our own freedom in Christ and we take a stand in it, Christian friends are lost. We have to let them fall away. They can't go to a higher level with us today and maybe they never will be able to. We refuse to return to bondage when we are living in the freedom that Christ paid for. We won't go back and they won't go forward, so there is no fellowship. 

Refuse to return to bondage. Galatians 5:1

Letter Of Love To The LGBTQ+ Community

You want to be a Christian but you are scared because of other Christians? You've been attacked with hatred for who you are? You have cried because you have been treated so viciously? You want to be a Christian but you don't feel accepted for who you are? Some Christians want you to think that God hates you and that you are going to Hell? You have read some in the Bible and you just want to love God without being in constant fear that God hates you and won't accept you? 

Don't be afraid. Christians are just humans. Haters will always hate at the drop of a hat. This is because many Christians don't grow in God's love for themselves, so they can't love anyone else. There are many Christians, however, who love you because they have accepted the Love of God into their hearts. God loves you just as you are. He is not surprised by who you are. He knew long before you were born what was going to happen. He doesn't judge any of us by sexual orientation. 

You want so badly to be a Christian? Being a Christian is based in Christ you know, right? Christian = Christ-Centered. You have just as much of a right to The Son Jesus and The Father God as any one else.

God has only one requirement for you to get to him. It's to accept his only son as the only way to him. You don't have to clean up your life first, or change yourself or anything. God Our Father knows everything about you already. All the whys, hows, whens and whats about you are known already by him who loves you.

Jesus The Christ is the only bridge from God to man, Once you accept Jesus as your Savior you become a Christian. You become saved despite your LGBTQ+ status or anything else about you. You are moved into position to begin to know God personally, through the sacrifice of his Dear Son. All because of Jesus. I understand why you want to know God so badly. It is truly wonderful to be in the Kingdom of His Dear Son. 

I hope that this has helped. Just remember that Our Father is not an unfair God and it would be unfair for him to reject you because of who you are. He's a just God but most of all, he's a God of unrelenting, immeasurable love. Nothing can separate you from his love, except rejecting his Precious Son Jesus. 

Love in Christ. 

It Doesn't Matter How He Looked

If you don't know Jesus in the beauty of holiness, in the essence of spirituality, then how he looks to you will not save you. 

If knowing him is dependent upon how you think he should look, then it's possible that you could be as lost as the person who does not know Jesus and, therefore, does not know God.

If you cannot accept Jesus Christ as looking like all ethnicities, all skin colors and all races, and ultimately as none of them, then do you truly know Him? Do you really understand who he is and why he came?

Image #4

The ignorance and darkness is not in choosing to see Jesus as white, brown, red or yellow and having images like that in your home. The darkness is in insisting that he CANNOT exist in any other way than how you choose to see him. 

The Father sent him to began his life here on earth in the Hebrew race. He is part of the Israelite lineage according to the Holy Bible. 

We have a good idea, and much more evidence has come to light, but we don't know exactly how he looked. We can surmise based on his environment, genetics, recent discoveries and the absence of the world pollutants that exist today. 

Image #7

He was physical but mainly spiritual and divine. He was never restricted by the flesh. However he looked, he belongs to everyone who chooses to believe in him. 

One thing is for sure. He walked this earth for only 33 years. The images that depict him as mature, or with grayed hair, or with skin untouched by any elements, or as a ferocious aged person, etc., can't be accurate. Those who are 33 years of age today look much older than 33-year-olds did in Biblical times, when bodies endured life for hundreds of years. 

Jesus Christ is God of all and no one color, race or ethnicity has an exclusive claim on his characteristics. It doesn't matter how he looked or looks. Ultimately, he is the image of Our Dear Father God and we are the image of them.
Image #9

If we go into an Asian person's home and see an Asian Jesus on the wall, we should be able to say, That's my Jesus! Hallelujah! 

If we go into a Caucasian person's home and see a Caucasian Jesus on the wall, we should be able to say, That's my Jesus! Hallelujah! 

If we go into a Native American person's home and see a Native American Jesus on the wall, we should be able to say, That's my Jesus! Hallelujah! 

Image #12
If we go into a Kenyan person's home and see an African Jesus on the wall, we should be able to say, That's my Jesus! Hallelujah! 

A Scandinavian Jesus! A Chinese Jesus! An Aleut Jesus! A Brazilian Jesus! JESUS! JESUS! JESUS! HALLELUJAH!!!

Jesus Christ is all in all. He is everything that we all need, through the love of Our Father who sent him.

Image #4 Jesus Intermix 

Image #7

Image #9 Vatican Museum Icons Jesus Blessings

Image #12 Vincent Barzoni’s “His Voyage: Life of Jesus.”

Other images from the usual Pixabay.

Grateful To Know Jesus

 ~ Dear Father: I'm thankful to be in the Kingdom of Your Dear Son. Help me to continue to grow in faith and obedience. In his name I pray. Amen. ~

Jesus Christ And The Ten Commandments

Without the Ten Commandments we would have never known that we were lost. The Ten Commandments were revealed to us to bring to light that we exist in a sinful state and that we alone can do nothing about it. The Ten Commandments reveal the state of the heart and mind of everyone born on this earth. 

If this situation had never been revealed to us and we had remained ignorant and in darkness, it would not have eliminated the eventuality of our eternal separation from God. We would have become eternally separated from God upon our departure from this earth simply because we did not understand.

Our Father never desired to take anything away from us by giving us Jesus. His desire in sending Jesus Christ here to die for us was so that we would not be separated from him forever. He did not want us to be in darkness forever because of the origin of something that we could not help. 

Satan and his evil helpers blind the minds of every human that is born here. Principalities, powers and rulers of the darkness of this world purposely deceive us into believing that we don't need Jesus. They don't mind if we say we know God, as long as we don't speak of Jesus Christ. Spiritual wickedness in high places deceives us into thinking that we can know God without this Jesus person, who was just a prophet anyway. Evil influence leads us to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ as God taking things from us.

You say that you don't believe in Satan, evil spirits, principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness in high places, demons and fallen angels? That's part of the deception. That's the main feature of the darkness. 

God is a merciful God. He made it easy for anyone to defeat this evil, spiritual army and live in eternal life rather than die in eternal death. He sent his Son, who finished it forever. All anyone has to do is acknowledge Jesus Christ of Nazareth as God's son and the only Savior that mankind has, and confess him as their personal Savior. If you have asked yourself how do I know I believe in Jesus, this is how.

Jesus willingly paid the price for something that we did not understand and could not correct. The revelation is that we have been saved by the love of our God when we acknowledge Jesus and accept him as our Savior. God has not taken from us. Through his loving kindnesses and mercies, he has given to us life and life more abundantly.

I pray that you will be brought into the marvelous light by the truth of what Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, has done for you.


Jesus Fulfilled The Law Of Moses

Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross fulfilled the Law of Moses, so that we would not have to continue trying to do the Law that we could never fulfill. Doing the Law meant that we were always in a position to die in our sins. No matter how hard we tried to be good and do good, that's just the way that it was. 

Do you see how unfair that would have been, for us to die in the sin condition that we were born with because we ourselves could never fulfill the requirements to be forgiven of those sins? God is the Good Father and he provided for those unredeemable sins to be redeemed through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus, Our Lord. 

Bearing Our Crosses For Jesus

We who are growing in Christ are called to suffer with him because we are heirs to the throne and joint heirs with the Savior. What does it mean to suffer with Christ? It is not a concept that our fleshly being readily accepts. The word suffer does not denote fun and pleasure. 

To suffer with Christ means that, through the experiences that God allows into our lives, we are able to identify with what Christ felt. Even more important is that we are able to perceive, through difficult experiences, that Christ knows how we are feeling. Why is this important? Because it sets us up for spiritual riches in the New Heaven and the New Earth and for the best rewards. 

It sets us up to rule with Christ. Even though this is at the end of time, it is what those who love Christ are living for. No matter how attached we become to this world, no matter how immersed we have to become in it to survive and thrive, we are always living for Christ's return to claim us. 

Our Father allows trying experiences into our lives so that we can better relate to what Jesus did for us. You have heard it said that Only what's done for Christ will last. It is not only about accepting Jesus as Savior, but also about being able to relate to his obedience to the Father at his own hurt. Since all that Jesus did was for us at Father God's request, it is the Father's will that we experience a little of what Christ did. 

While none of us have been called to be crucified on a cross, God allows symbolic crosses, in the way of highly-challenging experiences, into our lives. These experiences can be somewhat minor or devastating.  He wants us to bear the experiences on behalf of his beloved and obedient Son. Through developing a personal perception of what Christ endured, we become one with him. Not only does this please Our Father but it comforts us to know that we are understanding more about what the Lamb of God suffered.

Does your flesh want to fight with someone to show them that they can't do you that way? Let them do it. Jesus had to let the soldiers do him that way. We don't even know the extent of all that he had to suffer, for it was much more than what has been revealed to us in the Bible.

Is someone trying to take something away from you that they are not entitled to and your fleshly spirit rises up to fight for it? Let them take it. Jesus had to let them take his garments from him and  divide them, and so much more did he have to allow them to take.

Do you feel alone in your trials, as if the whole world is against you and winning? Accept your feelings and continue on in fellowship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, for you are not alone. Jesus felt the hatred of so very many who were against him and he had to endure as Our Father allowed them to continue with their evil plans against him.

You don't want them to feel like they are winning against you so you want to fight them? Let them think they are winning. Jesus had to be unfairly judged and convicted. Every step of the way of his suffering he had to let them all think they were winning. He had to let them think they were winning as he suffered and died on the cross. 

You want to speak up for yourself and argue with them? Don't be deceived by your flesh. Don't become enraged and allow sickness to come upon you because of what God is allowing them to do. Jesus did not open his mouth when he was mistreated and unfairly charged, judged and sentenced. He had to allow himself to be quiet. Most of all, he had to suffer allowing them to have their way with him, as if they were in control. 

When our spirits rise up in a fleshly attitude against him/her/them, whoever is afflicting and maligning us, we must submit to the circumstances that God has allowed to come upon us. In this way, we choose to crucify the flesh and walk in the spirit, understanding that we are submitting not to them but to Our Heavenly Father. It takes bowing in humiliation, like Christ did. It never feels good but obedience to The Most High God is not founded in the feelings of the flesh. Bowing in humiliation and submitting to God is based in knowledge, acceptance and yielding. It is an informed decision.

We know when God is doing this special work in us because the Holy Spirit opens our eyes and ears to what is happening. The Holy Spirit does not do the work for us however, because we would not learn and grow in that way. We have to do the work of cutting our flesh off from what it wants to do, denying it and crucifying it. This causes us to suffer because we can't have our way, our fleshly way. 

We suffer as Christ did as we submit to and obey God in these unfair circumstances. This is bearing symbolic crosses for Christ and suffering with him. God has promised to take care of us when we submit to him and let them think that they are having their way. 

Is There Anything That We Cannot Do For Christ?

We can do nothing without Christ.

We can do all things through Christ.

Our lives are hid in God through Christ.

He who does not know Christ does not know the Father.

Christ is the Resurrection and the Life.

Through Christ is the only way that man can come to the Father.

His pure shed blood and his unblemished, broken body restored us to the Father.

God The Father loved us so much that he sent his Son Jesus Christ into the world to die for us, so that whoever chooses to believe in him should live forever with him.

Because Jesus lives, those who have accepted him as Savior will be resurrected into life and the resurrection into death, the second death, will have no power over us.

Jesus Christ of Nazareth saves us for God The Father.

God's Holy Spirit draws us to himself. 

God forgives us, through Jesus, for what was not our fault.

Even while mankind did not care, could not care and hated the light of truth, because we're all born into this world into darkness, God sent his precious son, Jesus, to be betrayed, unfairly charged, judged, convicted, ridiculed, struck, spit upon, beaten, scourged, burdened, subjected to all manner of insults and degradation of which all of it we were not told, nailed to a criminals' cross and tormented while upon that cross. 

Most of all, Jesus was denied a way out when he asked his Father three times as he prayed and sweated blood in the Garden of Gethsemane. He felt intense, paralyzing fear, like you and I feel at times.  

Most of all, God, the loving Father, separated himself completely from his dear and precious Son for a period of time while he hung and suffered on that hideous Cross. 

Jesus The Christ, the Bright and Morning Star, the Lamb of God, the Beginning and the End, was changed forever...for us. 

Is there anything that we cannot do for Christ should our Father ask us?  

Happy Easter! He Arose!


We who believe celebrate Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead. 

He's at the right hand of Our Father God praying for us till He returns for us. 

Because HE LIVES, we will live also. 

He IS the Resurrection and the Life!


Images Credit: Google

Happy Wednesday: The Lord And Success

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths. (Psalm 3:5-6)

Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass. (Psalm 37:5)

Commit your works to the Lord and your thoughts will be established. (Proverbs 16:3)

These scriptures tell us that success is from the Lord. What kind of success? The success that also stores up riches in Heaven. There is a type of success that we can generate through the flesh, through carnal thinking, through the way of the world. 

Sharing all of our plans with God first, however, puts us in a position to experience spiritual growth along with the success experience. To begin any journey with a spiritual mind is life and peace. Trusting God with our plans, desires and goals insures that we will not only advance but will be richly blessed when Jesus comes back. Most importantly, God The Father will be glorified along the way.


Image Credit:

Only By Faith In Christ

The Ten Commandments are a revelation and a guide only. They were not given to man for us to be able to perform flawlessly. They were given as a precursor, a forerunner to the arrival of Jesus Christ into the world. Those Commandments were also introduced into the world to show man that more is needed because the more that we try to perform those Commandments the worse it gets. Without the revelations in the Ten Commandments, none of us could ever see the truth about our condition and need. 

The one thing that all humans have in common, past, present and future, whether they have any faith or not, is that we all age and die off of this earth. No one can stop it. Though I have struggled as a Christian, though I have failed, though I still have times when I'm angry with God, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Salvation, is the only theology or doctrine that addresses human death in a way that makes sense to me. I don't mean that it makes sense to my fleshly, mental or psychological understanding. I mean that of all of the world's beliefs, it is the only faith-based, divine belief that makes sense to me. 

Though we can study and learn about the things of God, the Kingdom of God that is given to anyone who wants to receive it is based on faith. This faith is in the revelation that God has given us about his Son. Those who love God through Jesus Christ are never able to make sense of many things in this worldly life. God has presented to us his answer and it is based in faith for as long as we are on this earth. Those who choose to believe in Christ's sacrifice continue daily to choose faith, no matter what is happening or not happening in their lives. Living in faith in The Son Of God can, however, make a difference in our lives. 

Life on this earth can never be perfect but God has a plan that he has asked us to believe in. He wants us to hold to the knowledge until we leave here. Because we do leave here in undeniable death, it ties me to the truth of God's revelation of his Son and all that it implies. God asks us to believe in the salvation of his Son until the end. Whether each of us are on this earth or have died on, there will be an end to all of this horror, though for some it seems unlikely. The spirits of each of us lives forever, with God or without God. Physical death is inevitable. Spiritual death is not. We leave here but we are not gone because the spirit man cannot die. Salvation insures that those who choose to believe will live with God, forever.

In Biblical history, there was a great devastation that happened in the spirit world. It affected every human, past, present and future, and separated our spirits from God. Because it was not our fault and through his love for us, he provided a way for us to choose restoration of our spirits to himself. He made it simple so that anyone who wants it can simply choose to receive it. Anyone can accept and say that he/she believes that Jesus Christ is their only Savior, the Son whom God sent into the world. That's all. 

We don't have to live a certain way. We don't have to do certain things. We don't have to stop doing things or start doing other things. We only need to choose to accept the truth of Salvation through Christ Jesus and mean it in our hearts. The good thing is that not only has God provided a way out of separation from him, he will also help us to accept the truth. He knows the hearts of every man and knows those who would like to believe and accept. He's a good God, the only wise God and the one true God. No one has ever lost out on a chance to accept Jesus as their Savior and never will. He's so very merciful and it is his desire that everyone should be saved.

I Timothy 2:4-7

Jesus' Sacrifice Has Given Us Power

Jesus Christ, The Lamb of God, The Bright And Morning Star, The Resurrection And The Life, was revealed, personified and embodied to:

  1. destroy the works of the devil 
  2. and to take away our sins.

We should make sure that we are daily recognizing that his pure, shed blood has covered all of our transgressions, past, present and future. We don't need to feel guilty for mistakes, uninformed choices, inherited weaknesses and any other challenges. 

Not only are we covered for all time by Our Savior's sacrifice but God is always with us to help us to manifest a better future and the future is today. Nothing can separate us from his love. 

We should also make sure that we are submitting to God daily so that we can work with the Holy Spirit to destroy the efforts of principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. 

In other words, Jesus' sacrifice has made us able to restrict the activities of all beings who are against the Kingdom of God. We can operate daily on the fact that they have no authority in our lives. We can stand on it until the time when they are completely put away by Jesus.  

I John 3:5,8 

The Truth Of The Gospel Of Jesus Christ

This earthly life is confusing, unfair and very hard for many, many Christians. There are many who love God who are still striving to do The Ten Commandments.  The list, however, is only a revelation and a guide. The instructions were not given to man to be able to perform flawlessly. In fact, we can't successfully perform them because they originate in the heart of man which is desperately wicked. The Commandments were given as a precursor, a forerunner to the arrival of Jesus Christ into the world.

Those Commandments were also given to show man that more is needed, because the more that we try to do them the worse it gets. Without The Ten Commandments, man could not see the truth about his condition, the result of what happened to us after Lucifer rebelled against God. Through The Commandments, we can see our need for a profound and extraordinary source of help.
The one thing that all humans on this earth have in common, past, present and future, whether they have any faith or not, is that we all age and die off of this earth. No one can stop it. Though I have struggled as a Christian, though I have failed, though I still have times when I'm angry with God, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only theology or doctrine that makes sense to me. I don't mean that it makes sense with respect to my fleshly, mental or psychological understanding. I mean that it is the only faith-based, divine belief that makes sense to me of all of the world's religions.

Though we can study and learn and grow in the knowledge of the things of the One True God, the Kingdom of God that is given to anyone who wants to receive it, is solely based on faith, faith in the revelation that God has given us about his Son. Those who love God are never able to make sense of things in this life, in this world. God has presented to us the answer that he has given to us and it is based in faith as long as we are on this earth. Those who choose to believe in Jesus' sacrifice continue daily to choose faith no matter what is happening or not happening in their lives. Living in faith in Jesus Christ, however, makes a difference in my life and in my person today, despite the fact that this earthly life is hard.

Life on this earth will never be perfect but God has a plan that he has asked us to believe in and hold to the knowledge of it until we leave here. For me, the very fact that we do leave here in undeniable death, is the fact that ties me to the truth of God's revelation of his Son and all that it implies. God asks us to believe in the salvation of His Son until the end. And whether I am still on this earth or have died on, there will be an end to all of this horror, though it does not seem like it. The spirit of man lives forever, with God or without God. That's where salvation comes in, because physical death is inevitable. Spiritual death is not. We leave here but we are not gone, because the spirit man cannot die. It came from God.

There was great devastation that happened in the spirit world that affected all of mankind. God, in his love for us, provided a way for us to choose restoration of our spirits to a good life and to his love. He made it simple so that anyone who wants it can simply receive it. Just acknowledge that we need a savior and that Savior is the Son that he sent, Jesus Christ. That's all. We don't have to live a certain way. We don't have to do certain things. We don't have to stop doing things or start doing other things. We only need to accept the truth in our hearts. The good thing is that not only has God provided a way out for us, he will also help us to accept the truth. He knows the hearts of every man and knows those who would like to believe and accept.
In a nutshell, a big nutshell, this is the knowledge, belief and faith that keeps me everyday and grows and strengthens in me. My prayer is that you are growing and that your faith is increasing in a remarkable way everyday.

Spiritual Growth Not Fleshly Control

As I've grown to the level that I am at in the Lord, I've come to understand that we shouldn't be striving to stop "sinning". As Christians continue to harp on that, I feel that there is something wrong and that they are making Jesus' blood to none effect. I know it's hard for some to not focus on working to stop sinning because of sinful habits. How terrorized, sinful and hopeless we feel when it comes to sinful habits that we can't seem to break. 

The Bible teaches us that we are only to focus upon:

  • eating and drinking the Word everyday, 
  • taking time to acknowledge and appreciate Jesus' sacrifice, 
  • worshipping God, 
  • and obeying the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
The result of these efforts is: 

our thoughts, words and deeds will become regulated to God's kingdom. 

This is what we want and what God wants for us. We'll become knowledgeable and wise on how God wants us to think, speak and behave. The most important effect through focusing on spiritual builders is that we'll lose the desire for anything that is not of him. We steadily become who God has ordained us to be and we don't even have to work to stop sinning. Isn't that amazing?

The Bible plainly teaches us that focusing upon the flesh profits us nothing. Trying to accomplish righteousness and holiness through carnally-minded efforts profits us nothing. Focusing upon spiritual efforts transforms and renews us everyday and stores up riches for us in Heaven. The riches that we each store up in Heaven are not just there to look pretty. We will be able to use them in the New Heaven and the New Earth.                                                               

We have to be faithful with reading the Bible, appreciating Jesus, praying, talking with God and obedience to the Holy Spirit. This is because our flesh or carnal mind is not changed in this world. It is only suppressed, crucified and brought under each day as we choose to live our lives through spiritual pursuits. Our flesh and its affections, passions and desires are always with us in this life. The flesh and the carnal way of thinking are not converted. It is our spirits that are converted or brought to life. We are choosing every day to walk in our reborn spirits through the help of The Holy Spirit that lives in us. These two facts are why we struggle so much. Romans 8 tells us what to expect and how to think about it so that we will not neglect our spiritual growth. It is easy to rely upon the flesh because we were born into it. Only through choosing to function in our reborn spirits with the help of The Holy Spirit can we daily defeat the carnally-minded flesh.

Remember that Jesus' blood paid it all. Don't be deceived into striving for things that will leave you lacking at the end time. Be attentive to spiritual things and your control over your physical life will follow. You'll experience the righteousness and holiness that has come to us through Jesus' sacrifice. You'll begin to live the change that can only come through a growing, personal relationship with Our Father.