God Is Love One Way Or Another

God emits love all of the time.
God is Love. Everything God does is based in love. Sometimes it's hard to phantom, but everything that God allows is based in love. For those who believe, all bad and difficult things can be turned around and used for good to bless us and others. One way or another, even if it's not till after we leave this earth, God's love will win out. His love also triumphs many times in this world.
This is not so very easy to believe when we experience and see suffering, especially when we learn of the various ways that children are suffering everyday. Nevertheless, God emits love all of the time. If we were able to trace all of God's feelings, actions and thoughts to their origin, it would always lead back to a holy love that one day we will understand. God loves more than we ever can in our present condition.
We will experience God's love in the way that we think we should.
I learned a little something about who God is by reading the Bible completely through from Genesis to Revelations. Of course, with that being done many, many years ago, the Bible continues to be all new to me as I read and study it everyday. I also have learned a little about God through to the best of my ability being very honest with Him. I regularly ask Him questions and worship Him in spirit and in truth. I tell Him the truth about how I feel, which often is very different from the truth that I know.

I believe with all of my heart that God Is Love, and that one day we will experience His love in the ways that we think we should experience it and in many more ways than we can't imagine. There will be no more pain, no more tears, no more suffering, no more evil. It will be all over. We'll exist with Him, no longer in the ways in which His divine love must manifest in a fallen world, but in a perfect existence.
We will know God's love in a perfect existence.
Let's do all that we can today to accept God's love for what it is in this world as we wait for the perfect New Heaven and New Earth. His love is perfect here in this world but the way that we experience it here is not. We should always ask for a fresh filling of His Spirit each morning so that we can experience some of the truths of His Love everyday, not through our flesh but through the holiness of His Spirit in us. We appreciate him more when we do. Appreciate Him and he'll show you just how much he appreciates you!