Happy Monday & Being Honest With God


When I am honest with God, I feel so much power. It's like the covering has been stripped off of secrets and hidden things that don't need to be kept secret from God. Indeed, we don't need to keep anything from God. He knows it all.

The thought came to my mind this morning that whatever we keep secret from God the devil is able to keep using against us. We know that the devil works in darkness. Hiding our true thoughts from God and bringing sanitized prayers to him is darkness.

God is light. In him is no darkness at all. Wherever God looks is light. He sees all. When he looks at us, he sees the whole truth. All the hidden nooks and crannies of our entire existence is open to God's sight. He does not care about all of that, because His Son paid it all.

There is only one thing that God cares about. There is only one thing that is due from us, only one thing that Our Father requires. Honesty. His desire is that we do not continue to hide what is not hidden from him.

He wants us to share with him, tell him the truth, bring it all out into the open, put it all on the table that is between us and him only. He wants us to do this purging every day. Only then can we feel cleansed, hopeful and deeply connected to God.

Don't let fear of what God will think, shame about how we really feel and the devil's intimidation cheat you anymore.

Deep Honesty With God = POWER!



Image Credit: Risen Hope Ministries