Sunday, October 2, 2022

Praying For Those Who Irritate Us

Do you ever have annoyed, frustrated or angry thoughts about anyone? Do the attitudes or behaviors of some people send you into a fit? Are you tempted to have ill will towards those who have misused or mistreated you? 

Have you ever had fleeting or lingering thoughts of wishing problems or misfortune on others? Do you ever find yourself fussing and arguing with yourself about the life that someone lives? I could go on and on and if you profess to have never had any of these types of thoughts or feelings, then you are probably not human. 

I have been on a track for a couple of years now where the Holy Spirit reminds me to stop and pray for these persons. You see, it's not just a matter of us crushing the offending thoughts. While that is an intense and worthy process, it's not enough.

Crushing these thoughts essentially buries them but they are not dead. They are like seeds that can sprout again. God gets to the root of the problem so it can be killed. He wants us to do more than bury unpleasant thoughts about others and generate benign thoughts about people who incense us. 

Our Father God does not want us to suffer any more thoughts that sprout from roots of malevolence. He wants us to be free of malignant thoughts, no matter how mild or fleeting they are. It's a matter of immediately confessing and accepting forgiveness through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, Our Savior, and then stopping to pray for the person. It doesn't have to be a long, intense prayer. It can be brief but it should be heartfelt.

When we turn our growth over to God we begin to recognize opportunities to grow. The Holy Spirit prompts, prods and pricks us when a chance is available to do it God's way. It begins from within, where the roots that need to be purged are. God is precise. He wants it all dug out, every offensive thought that hinders. That still, soft voice of his Spirit will remind us. All we need to do is obey, like I did this morning.

The way that God does it for me is to say in my spirit, Did you pray for her?, during or after a hostile thought. He'll say in my spirit, Have you prayed for him?. He won't say I'm wrong for the thought or that I know I should not have been thinking that.

My Father understands why I had the thought and I sense his loving kindness and his mercy. Now, when thoughts like that come, I end up stopping what I'm doing and praying for the person. If I can get on my knees I do. I offer a quick prayer of forgiveness for myself and blessing for the person.

We should forgive the persons for whatever it was that made us offended, vindictive, judgmental. They may not even know us but we know of them and God is not pleased with our thoughts. He wants better for us. Sometimes, the source of our rancor is in our minds or we are just in a bad mood. At other times, our spiteful thoughts can be justified because of real, hurtful events and experiences. 

Whatever the source of these types of troubling thoughts, we don't have to suffer brushing them under the rugs of our minds where they can trip us up later. We can go further and be cleansed of them. Rather than pretend that you never have thoughts like these, submit to God and allow His Holy Spirit to help you. It will make all of the difference in your spirit, attitude and growth. Be pruned! Be purged! Be strengthened!



Frank Elliott said...

Hi Sandi, Are you the same Sandi I knew on Google Plus? I've been trying to make contact with you for about 2-3 years now. I know you had indicated you were going to live down in the Knoxville area where my sister has lived for almost 40 years now. I remember how positive and uplifting your messages were and how inspirational and your were very down to earth too. I used to be very active on Google Plus. I write now on an App available on iPhones, Android phones and tablets and iPads of all kinds too. It is called Map My Walk or Map My Run. I write meditations on my brisk walking around and through our neighborhood. Here's an essay I wrote recently: I'll try to attach some of the photos here too.

Here's one of my recent essays. It won't include the photos I take for each essay, but many people think I should write a book and love what I am writing because it's joyful, soothing, and open to the mysteries, poignant moments, surprises, and discoveries of everyday life: I love what you have to write too about spirituality.

Reflections On The Joy Of A Fall Day’s Walk & Life

By Frank Elliott 10/10/2022

The walk went well today and my pace was very good throughout in ideal conditions. A beautiful darkening blue sky met me. The sun sliding down on the horizon made for long and very dark shadows on the bright red and yellow leaves of Maples, Cottonwoods and stately Siberian Elms. It was a glorious early Fall day. We are still picking a cup or more of cherry tomatoes each day. I savor about half a cup at dinner; building a little a stash to last me about a week when picking ends on Wednesday. Colder nights near freezing will start then.

My walk ended just after dark; so no photos are from outside today. Instead, I’m sitting on our living room couch with one of my favorite photos just behind me. It’s of a beautiful maple tree in early Fall. The leaves were all golden yellow set against a clear blue sky. I got a picture of Henri Matisse, our tabby cat too. He’s a real character, always talking. He’s up on one of his favorite spots, our small kitchen table with a heating pad covered by a lush towel. Amber is our beautiful black cat. She’s the most friendly and affectionate cat I’ve ever met!! She had a bath and her fur trimmed today. She loves her spa days!!! Lilly, our big white Maine Coon cat was not available for photos. She’s all rolled up in her bed at the top of her kitty tree. What a bunch of characters they are. They keep our lives very interesting and full of joy and laughter with their antics! Hoping you all had an enjoyable day and you find joyfulness!!!

Please call me or write to me

Frank Elliott ( or phone number 612-798-1729

FrankLivingFully said...

Reflections On The Joy Of A Fall Day’s Walk & Life

By Frank Elliott 10/10/2022

The walk went well today and my pace was very good throughout in ideal conditions. A beautiful darkening blue sky met me. The sun sliding down on the horizon made for long and very dark shadows on the bright red and yellow leaves of Maples, Cottonwoods and stately Siberian Elms. It was a glorious early Fall day. We are still picking a cup or more of cherry tomatoes each day. I savor about half a cup at dinner; building a little a stash to last me about a week when picking ends on Wednesday. Colder nights near freezing will start then.

My walk ended just after dark; so no photos are from outside today. Instead, I’m sitting on our living room couch with one of my favorite photos just behind me. It’s of a beautiful maple tree in early Fall. The leaves were all golden yellow set against a clear blue sky. I got a picture of Henri Matisse, our tabby cat too. He’s a real character, always talking. He’s up on one of his favorite spots, our small kitchen table with a heating pad covered by a lush towel. Amber is our beautiful black cat. She’s the most friendly and affectionate cat I’ve ever met!! She had a bath and her fur trimmed today. She loves her spa days!!! Lilly, our big white Maine Coon cat was not available for photos. She’s all rolled up in her bed at the top of her kitty tree. What a bunch of characters they are. They keep our lives very interesting and full of joy and laughter with their antics! Hoping you all had an enjoyable day and you find joyfulness!!!

Artsy Craftery Design Studio said...

Hi Frank: Yes, it's me from G+! I have thought of you, your wife and your furry children over the years. I never forgot Henri's name because he was my fav. I had to try real hard and finally remembered Lilly and Amber's names, in that order. Sometimes, I do miss G+, though most of it was dead. I did email you once a couple of yrs ago but never heard back. I don't know if it was the same address as you've shared here. I wanted to respond quickly to this comment. Now, I want to read your essay and I'll email you. Take care!