Grace & Truth Came Through Jesus

 ~ The law was given through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. ~

Jesus came and fulfilled all of the requirements of the law because we could not. The law was given to man to show us where we fell short because we were blind to this truth. The Law is a tool. We are born into darkness and can't understand the truth of our condition until God reveals it to us. He used The Law as a bridge to get us to what we must have.

Our blindness and ignorance to the state of our fallen existence doesn't change the fact of our eternal death. We are still in danger of spending eternity, the life when we leave this earth, in separation from God, in desolation. We are still under penalty though we don't understand. 

God, in his perfect love, revealed the truth to man in two parts. Sin is the strength of the law. When God gave man The Ten Commandments, the first part of the revelation, sin in man was revealed to man. Man found that he could not totally perform the law because his thoughts were wicked. 

As we often succeed in being good, our thoughts are consistently breaking The Ten Commandments. God in his mercy showed this to man. Satan wanted man to be ignorant to the truth of their condition. God's plan was for his cherished creation to come into the knowledge of the truth of his condition.

The 2nd part of God's revelation to man was redemption, salvation from the curse of The Ten Commandments, restoration to fellowship with Our Creator. He provided the only sacrifice that could fulfill the requirements to destroy the works of the devil, the shed Blood of Jesus Christ. The Law is man's bridge to Jesus.

Jesus accepted Our Father's request to take the penalty for our condition, for every single human past, present and future. Through Jesus' suffering, death, burial and resurrection, the power of The Law over us was destroyed forever. Jesus became the first to be resurrected from eternal death into eternal life. Because he lives, those who love him will live also. 

Jesus and the Father are one, and separate. God came to earth in the form of His Son, both divine and of the flesh, born of a virgin yet fathered by the will of Our Father. The pure Blood of Jesus and his unblemished Body covers us, when we choose to believe and accept his sacrifice for us. Sin is the strength of The Law and Jesus Christ is the destroyer of the power of sin over us. 

We may fail, but we are covered. We may transgress but we are covered. We may stumble, but we are covered. We can come boldly and respectfully to God because Jesus is on his right hand interceding for us. We can talk with God at any time because Jesus restored our fellowship with Him. We can live in confidence that we have eternal life, that we will live and not die because Jesus is The Resurrection and the Life! 

 ~ The law was given through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. ~