Children's Rights

Precious Little Commodities

In a conversation, a doctor once said to me that children are precious little commodities. It was a kind statement, showing that he believed that children are very valuable and important. I believe that children are precious to God. I don't understand why all of the atrocious things that children suffer are allowed by God to happen.
This does not mean, however, that I don't trust God. It means that I don't understand. I will be glad when it is all over and children won't have to suffer anymore. Children are suffering everyday neglect and abuse, as well as horrendous things that you or I could never imagine.
No Christian speakers or teachers whom I've ever heard ever address the unbelievable torture and murder of children that goes on everyday. The systematic and crippling emotional and physical abuse, as well as the torturous murder, perpetrated by family members, associates and strangers is too much for most to face.
We have no answers as to why God allows this, though we know God's overall plan and that time is counting down to when it will all be made right. Most block out knowledge of the suffering of children, not knowing what to do. That is why most who could help turn a blind eye and a deaf ear. It is overwhelming, even for those who mean well and have a heart for children. Below is a list of all types of resources for adults to use to reach out and help children, directly or indirectly.

We CAN make a difference in the lives of children who suffer cyber-bullying and other forms of abuse. Don't add to the abuse by ignoring what they are enduring. Every little thing that we do to raise awareness, provide resources and shelter children makes a difference. Children depend upon adults all around them. Don't turn your back on them.  

Don't turn your back on the truth.

Don't look away.

Reach out and help a child today.

You can help in some way.


I have 3 Pinterest boards designed to help children. Please visit and re-pin some of my pins. Thank you.

Received By Angels - children who have died because of neglect, mistreatment, abuse and/or torture.

Missing Children - children whose whereabouts are unknown, and are thought to be endangered.

Make This World A Better Place - goodwill towards mankind and doing our part to make life better for others.


Online Resources To Help
Our Children

17 Rules To Protect My Child Online-Internet Safety For Kids

Includes many helps for assisting and protecting children while online, including a much-needed acronyms list. This valuable resource helps parents and guardians become familiar with the abbreviated, exploitative language used by predators in chats and texts. Very nice graphics in this article with 16 sections of critical info.

E Safety Guide for Parents & Kids To Keep Kids Safe Online
Amanda reached out to 100+ professionals and asked them for advice and tips on how parents can keep their kids safe from digital threats and how kids can be more cautious when they are online. "If you’re unsure how you can safeguard your children from digital threats, this guide is for you. Here, we’ll identify the many things that put kids at risk and reveal what you can do as a parent."

What is e-Safety? Video



Helping victims of child abuse is more than just a desire, it is our lifetime commitment. This commitment began when our founders, two young Hollywood actresses, encountered 11 homeless orphans abroad, and all of their lives were forever changed.

Co-founders of Childhelp USA, Sara O’Meara and Yvonne Fedderson, were abroad in 1959 when they came across 11 orphans in Japan and decided to help the orphans by providing food and shelter. When Sara and Yvonne returned to the United States, they decided to open up an orphanage. From there, their agency continued to grow into a national organization assisting over nine million children since its inception. 

A Comprehensive Cyberbullying Guide for Parents

Julia is a volunteer who works to help protect children online via online courses and guides. She advised the company that wrote this guide on cyberbullying. She says, We try to educate parents and teachers alike on how to keep our kids safe online. You can study this online guide, which is an easy to read webpage with a table of contents list at the top.  Scroll down as you read and you will find subjects such as the definition of cyberbullying, the trends of this activity, effects of it on children, and solutions and preventions.

The Ultimate Parent Guide for Protecting Your Child on the Internet

This resource helps parents teach their children how to be safe when using today's technology, including mobile phone apps, smart TVs, gaming and the ever-prevalent social media. I like the section on cyber-bullying, which encourages parents/guardians to be aware of personality changes in the child. It also gives very good advice on what to do when we discover that a child is being bullied.

Stop It Now!Stop It Now! prevents the sexual abuse of children by mobilizing adults, families and communities to take actions that protect children before they are harmed.
We provide support, information and resources to keep children safe and create healthier communities.

National Children's Alliance - empowers local communities to provide comprehensive, coordinated and compassionate services to victims of child abuse.
________________________________________  - provides information from various government agencies on what bullying is, what cyberbullying is, who is at risk, and how you can prevent and respond to bullying.

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network - established to improve access to care, treatment, and services for traumatized children and adolescents exposed to traumatic events.
Help A Child Today