Faith is one of the cornerstones of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6 NKJV)
Faith Christian Scripture Artwork by Christian Words Shop
I chose four of my favorite scriptures on believing to design this printable artwork. Mark 9:23, Matthew 21:21-22 and Matthew 17:20. When I quote the scriptures, I am always amazed in my spirit at the possibilities that they open up to me.
These are scriptures that do not put a limit on what we can do. These scriptures tell us that there is a level of faith that we can acquire where we can do what we never thought we could do. Jesus even told his Disciples, and through them tells us, that we can even do more than he did.
How amazing is that! Do you
believe? Do you
want to
believe? FAITH is here for you today, right now! Choose it and keep choosing it, everyday.
Faith Printable Artwork
Trust is similar to faith. It's a choice that has to be made, often in the lack of any proof that we could understand.
Trust Christian Scripture Printable by Christian Words Shop |
I have paraphrased this rich scripture, Psalm 52:8, in everyday language that is easier for us to grasp and apply to our daily lives.
There are eight powerful confirmations in this printable, scripture artwork, including:
I am purified by the blood of Jesus.
I am always flourishing, growing and strong.
My confidence in God never withers or dies.
Trust Printable Artwork
Both of these Christian printables offer:
1 .pdf file, 5400 x 7200 px (18 x 24"), scale to poster sizes without losing quality,
1 .jpg file, 2250 x 3300 px, print these sizes: 8.5 x 11, 5 x 7, 4 x 6".
As with all of my Christian Words Shop printables, they can be printed as often as needed and even used in craft and art projects.
Please don't copy for sale or any type of distribution. These files are for the use of the purchaser ONLY. Please send anyone interested to Christian Words Shop.

Thanks for visiting
Christian Words Shop at Printaphoria!
Fill your life with reminders of Jesus Christ.
Spend your money on merchandise that glorifies God.
Surround yourself with products that
invite in The Holy Spirit everyday.
As a self-taught designer, crafter, writer and
like Lydia in Acts 16, I design and make beautiful things.
My creative ability comes from God
and I
worship the Lord
day in and day out.
In order for God to bless us through our talents, skills and creativity,
we have to put our work out there.
I want Christians, who may not otherwise know about them,
to have a
chance to buy my products that lift up
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
God, Our Father.
Proverbs 22:29 states:
Seest thou a man diligent in his business?
He shall stand before kings;
he shall not stand
before mean men.
Do you see a man who excels in his work?
He will stand before kings;
He will not stand before
unknown men.
you or anyone you know sells handmade products or designs merchandise
that glorifies God, let me know so that I can take a look. I may do a feature here.