Showing posts with label Comfort. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comfort. Show all posts

Sunday, October 20, 2013

740 Golden Street

golden road photo: Golden Lit Road GoldenLitRoad.jpg

Years ago, I was planning to forward my current address at my son's request. I later emailed and told him that it would be changing in the spring, and I would forward it then. As I reflected upon how disillusioned my son must be with the moving around that I've done, I felt that some of his bitterness about his upbringing stems from that.

Then with the chin up, cheer up, buck up pep talk, that we are sometimes able to give ourselves, when we feel uneasy about others' perception of us, I encouraged myself. I thought well one address that I give will be permanent for all time. When I move to 740 Golden Street my address will never change again. You see, seven is God's number, the number forty is significant to God, and somewhere in eternity the streets are paved with gold.

There is much that has been said about where we will be when it is all said and done. When time is no more, when there is no more sea, and when I know God as I am known, I know that I will be somewhere from which I will never have to leave (Revelations 22:5). I won't have to worry about rent payments, property taxes or homeowners fees since Jesus paid it all in advance, forever.

I won't have to worry about making do with cramped quarters, or poorly located quarters. Jesus said in his father's house are many mansions, and that he was going to prepare a place for me (John 14:2). Whether that scripture is figurative, or literal, or both matters not to me. Jesus said it. I believe it. That settles it.

When I move to 740 Golden Street I won't have to be concerned with obtaining electric service and keeping it on (Revelations 21:23). I will exist in eternal light.

I've been packing for a while, sending my things on to Heaven for my final relocation (Matthew 6:20-21). At my final address I won't need fire, flood, tornado insurance or insurance against Acts of God. It is the act of God (John 3:16) which allowed my name to be written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Jesus Christ is my permanent insurance for my final dwelling place.

I do look forward to having a more permanent worldly address. Depending on how much longer God will allow the world to stand, or how much longer I will be here, I may have 1, 2 or 10 more addresses. I don't know. However many more there will be, and where ever they may be, none will equal the address I am most looking forward to. That address is and will always be my permanent one.

The most reliable forwarding address I'll ever be able to give you
is 740 Golden Street.

Image 1 Credit: tlj515 
Image 2 Credit: BowenMurphy       

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Feel Depression Coming On Today?

Begin to thank God for anything and everything, around you, and on you, and in you, that you deem as good. It's like praising God (though you don't feel like it), and it will help lift you up.

Be strengthened the rest of this day, and receive God's presence throughout this week. It is not over. God is still working on your behalf.

Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God.
Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth .
 (Romans 14:22, KJV)
Both Images Credit: Gary Lerude
Scripture Taken From: Bible Study Tools

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Poetry: It Matters To Me About You

My child, I know thy sorrows,
Thine every grief I share;
I know how thou art tested,
And, what is more-I care.

Think not I am indifferent
To what affecteth thee;
Thy weal and woe are matters
Of deep concern to Me.

But, child, I have a purpose
In all that I allow;
I ask thee then to trust Me,
Though all seems dark just now.

How often thou hast asked Me
To purge away thy dross!
But this refining process
Involves for thee-a cross.

There is no other pathway
If thou would'st really be
Conformed unto the image
Of Him Who died for thee.

Thou can'st not be like Jesus
Till self is crucified;
And as a daily process
The cross must be applied.

Just as the skillful gardener
Applies the pruning knife,
E'en so, I too would sever
The worthless from thy life.

I have but one sole object-
That thou should'st fruitful be!
And is it not thy longing
That I much fruit should see?

Then shrink not from the training
I needs must give to thee;
I know just how to make thee
What I would have thee be.

Remember that I love thee!
Think not I am unkind,
When trials come to prove thee,
And joy seems left behind.

'Tis but a little longer
Until I come again;
What now seems so mysterious
Will all be then made plain.

Take courage then; and fear not!
Press forward to the prize,
A crown of life awaits thee,
Glory before thee lies!
~ Alice C. Lefroy ~
Hold on. Don't give up. Tell God.
Poem From: The Tract League, Grand Rapids, MI 49544-1390
Image Credit:  bcjordan