Showing posts with label Poetry/Creative Writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry/Creative Writing. Show all posts

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Christian Poetry: I Call His Name (Jesus)


I Call His Name (Jesus)

When I am sad or in pain I call His name.

When I am lost and cannot find my way

I call His name.

When I am thankful and filled with joy,

I call His name.

Nothing would ever be the same if I couldn't call His name.

The Red Bird

A red bird comes to visit me,

He moves from tree to tree.

He looks for food on the ground,

I like it when he comes around.

The Clouds

The clouds look soft as they float by,

They are very far up in the sky.

The sun comes out and chases them away,

Buy they will be back another day.

Georgetta (Georgette) Hanna Johnson, my mother, wrote simple, serene poetry and short stories.

She loved painting beautiful acrylic, folk art landscapes on construction paper. Her favorite color was purple and she enjoyed various types of crafting.

She loved watching T. D. Jakes and Jimmy Swaggart and reading her Bible everyday. She was raised in the Church of God under Bishop Lula Mae Swanson. In her later years, Georgette grew closer to God.

She went peacefully to be with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in January, 2021

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Christian Poetry Worshiping God

David C. Brown lives in the UK and is retired from the environment industry.

His main interests are Jesus Christ, Christianity and poetry. Some of his favorite books are the Bible, The Sufferings of Christ and the works by British poet George Herbert.

His poetry blog is Grace Notes.

You can find his books at Lulu.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Christian Poetry: Look Up

Look up, even though your heart is broken.
Look up, even though you are oh so discouraged.
Look up, even though it seems impossible.
Look up, even though you can't take it anymore.
Look up, even though nothing has ever worked out for you.
Look up, even though you don't think that God loves you.
Look up, because you are God's by your own choice.
Look up, believe and confess that these issues will work out for your good, because the word, ordained by your loving, Heavenly Father, said they would. 
Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.


Thursday, October 21, 2021

Christian Poem By Helen Mallicoat

A friend shared this poem with me to help me through difficult times in my life. It is so beautiful and touching that I read it often. It soothes my soul and spirit. It's as if God is telling me, Don't look backwards. Don't look forwards. Live in today. Be at peace. I am always here, today.


I was regretting the past
And fearing the future.
Suddenly my Lord was speaking:

“My name is I Am.” He paused.
I waited. He continued,
When you live in the past
With its mistakes and regrets,
It is hard. I am not there,
My name is not I WAS”.

When you live in the future
With its problems and fears,
It is hard. I am not there.
My name is not I WILL BE.

When you live in this moment,
It is not hard. I am here.
My name is I AM.

May you be comforted by Helen's words that God is always present with you.

Helen Mallicoat was born to Dora and Walter White on Sept. 4, 1913 in a log cabin on a farm near Arenzville, Ill. She passed away at 91 years old on Tuesday, Dec. 14. Helen was an avid writer and many of her writings have been compiled into books. Hallmark published Listen for the Lord in 1980. The most widely read of all her writings is the poem I Am, which was published in 1982 on a poster by Argus Communications. Almost weekly she heard of it being meaningful to someone.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Poetry About Our Father From David C Brown

I am sharing 3 poems by David C Brown about Our Heavenly Father. The poetry of this long-term Christian writer has such a calming, restful quality. It's as though he's encouraging us to live quietly and peacefully in our relationship with God. I never fail to feel restored and quietened when I read his verse.


If we will live, we must be subject to
The Father as the One who has the Name
Father of spirits; He will bear us through
His chastening. We gladly own His claim
Upon us since it from Him we came;
He rules our spirits in a way to suit
Our needs, and to secure from us His fruit.

(Hebrews 12: 9)

What a beautiful and insightful way to describe God's purging of the branches. The last line, "He rules our spirits in a way to suit Our needs, and to secure from us His fruit," gives me chills because of its depth of meaning.

This is because I think about how we suffer through God's purging and we judge it as being for his unknown purposes. David's light on this Godly process advocates that we can only realize the fulfillment of our own dreams, needs and personal prayers through it. Even the securing of his fruit from us (and what a great twist of words David wrote in that phrase) blesses us because we are the better for God's clipping and pruning process.

Here are 2 more poems that David has written about the glory and loving kindnesses of The Father.


When first the light broke through the primal darkness
It gave this earth hope it would live anew,
Although exposing chaos in its starkness.
Then great and small lights graced the settings due
To them, while looking to the Light that's true;
Father of lights, since then each light that's burning
Comes from One with no shadow and no turning.

(James 1: 17) 


Satan, the flesh, and sin, in their own fashions
Have clashed against me to disturb my soul;
But I turn to the Father of compassions,
The God of all encouragements, and roll
My burden on the One who will console;
In spite of ills my foes seek to impart
The Father of compassions binds my heart.

(2 Cor 1: 3)


David works in the environment industry and lives in Scotland. His interests are Jesus Christ, Christianity, the Bible, poetry, the environment and sustainable development. Some of his favorite books are the Bible, The Sufferings of Christ and George Herbert.

His poetry blog is Grace Notes.

You can find his books at Lulu.



Sunday, August 22, 2021

Poetry: Light In Madness


Oh dear Lord.

You are a comfort in a world gone mad.

How can I exist here and not

Be touched by such distressing stuff?

Though it grapples and clutches at me

To drag me down to depths of

Depression and despair of hope,

I climb back up.

I eat and drink your Word daily

In a world gone mad.

© SJHolland

Your word is a lamp unto me feet and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Poetry: God And Son As One


How hard it must have been

For you to know, Lord,

That you are the Light of the World,

And to walk among hatred and blindness.

How hard it must have been

For you to live under

Being harassed and hated,

And to walk among

That determination to murder.


But you were determined

To enforce God's will.

Your Father, who gave you up

To a vicious world of dark haters,

Lived the horrific sacrifice through

And with you.

~ Sandi Holland ~

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Choose Joy

I choose to laugh in the midst of trouble.

In the midst of sorrow, I choose joy.

All things will always work together to

strengthen me and bless my life.

My Heavenly Father has promised it.

I can trust in what He says.

He is the One True God!


© SJHolland


Romans 8:28


Sunday, April 25, 2021

Due Time: Christian Poetry

Just like this man who has gotten this kite to fly, we can also get it right with God's help.

It is when you see something happen in your life.

Something that you feel is not right.

There is that feeling that you were wronged.

One thing that you have to do is give it to the Lord.

You have to trust in the Lord that things will work out.

That is having faith in something that you do not see.

I know that it is something that is hard to do.

It is just something that you have to do.


Leo  is a poet who has shared some of his poems at He says that this poem is about things and time. He lives in Florida, and says about himself, "I am one that just loves to write."


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Christian Poetry About God As A Deliverer

The Dear Deliverer Poem About God As Helper

The Dear Deliverer

Oh God, did you set up my deliverance
Decades ago?
Oh Father, did you set the stars to turn
In my favor?
You always come through,
No matter what the challenge
Or fear.
You help and deliver,
Free and clear.
To my heart and my soul,
You are dear.

©2018 SJHolland

Thursday, May 10, 2018

POETRY: I Choose Joy

I choose to laugh

In the midst of trouble,

And in the midst of sorrow,

I choose joy.

~ SJHolland ~

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him,

so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Rom 15:3 NIV


Monday, May 7, 2018

A Well-Watered Garden Is Yours

The  Lord will guide you always,

He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land,

And will strengthen your frame.

You will be like a well-watered garden,

Like a spring whose waters never fail.

Isaiah 58:11 NIV

The Bible tells us the truth about God and what he thinks about us. All you have to do in order for your life to become a well-watered garden is to receive, speak and believe the Word. God makes many promises to us in his Word, and he does not lie. He is a faithful God, one in whose word we can trust. He causes everything dead to live again.

If you will allow him to, he will bring back to glowing life your dead dreams, hopes, abilities, beliefs, possibilities and faith. It is never God's will that you should live in a dead, barren and parched life. He is the life-giver, through his precious Son, who is The Way, The Truth and The Life. 

Watch the sprigs of luscious growth begin to form

as you open to God's way,
receive his word

and believe his promises.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

POETRY: About How The Bible Changes Us

Read the Bible everyday, read a variety of scriptures and watch the changes happen.

Subtle Changes

The Word molds.

The Word shapes.

Read the Word,

And you'll never have to try

To be good.

You will evolve,

Into a thing of beauty

Before God.
~ SJ Holland ~