Thursday, August 4, 2016

Three Strikes And Satan Is Down! For A Season

He also uses trials to promote us higher into his benefits, so that along with our own blessings, we can better benefit others and glorify his name.

So I swallowed, ignored the pinprick of irritation,
and decided not to.

I made a comment in a craft forum, and someone else commented on my comment. She gave a definition of the word artisan and somewhat refuted my comment. She was not the OP and the dictionary def of the word had nothing to do with my point. I felt annoyed and wanted to comment back. I was going to say that I know the definition and that was not my point. I wondered if it really mattered. I had heard that we should choose our battles. This means to weigh the value of locking horns with someone, which I knew could happen. So I swallowed, ignored the pinprick of irritation, and decided not to.

So I squeezed my eyes shut and decided not to do it.

A little later the desire to challenge her returned. It just popped up. The devil is always busy. I was miffed, and wanted to tell her that I did not need her to post the definition of that word. I thought about what Jesus had said though about being a peacemaker. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. I wanted to be called a child of God. I was really annoyed, but I wanted to be a peacemaker, so I squeezed my eyes shut and decided not to do it.

Later that day I felt the desire to confront her. It was stronger. It was so ridiculous that even I, the one who was feeling it, was able to step back and objectively ask what in the world?! Why is this back! Why is it stronger!!! I defeated it earlier!. I asked myself why I wanted to attack her, what was my goal, and what did I expect to accomplish. The idea of pride came up. I did not think about that word then, but an idea. In retrospect the word pride has appeared. Don't ask me how the word and the idea are different, lol. It's a psychological thing.

So I gritted my teeth, and decided not to.

I also knew from experience that confrontations like this can go on and on, exploding into something that causes destruction. That is the plan of the devil and his fallen angels, to lead us blindly down the path of destruction, like ignorant sheep to the slaughter. From a little thing to an atomic bomb, that's always his goal. I remember thinking this is a test. So I gritted my teeth, and decided not to, that it wasn't worth it. Then the pressure lifted.

It was a pressure that I was enduring. I see that now. A strong pressing, a heavy bearing, a subtle prodding. Almost irresistible. It left, and it was like a swirling, rushing breeze came in and twirled around me. I felt free. I felt like I could take deep breaths of fresh air. I felt released. As I write this I know that it is over, and that feeling to reprimand her will not return. I can truly ignore the post.

This experience reminds me of the temptation of Christ, who defeated Satan's three challenges with the Word of God. The third time Jesus resisted, that miraculous lying wonder left him for awhile. I didn't use the word of God, though I know many scriptures by heart, but I did use God's principles and one of the Beatitudes. My strength came from reading the Bible everyday, and through prayer committing my day to God, everyday.

It seems like a small thing, but these little skirmishes do matter. Being able to recognize them and who is behind the pressure that we feel to attack is important. God uses these trials to show us where we are in our growth. He also uses them to promote us higher into his benefits, so that along with our own blessings, we can better benefit others and glorify his name.
I feel great that that pressure is gone. I feel relief and I feel that I was successful. I must not stop, and rest on my laurels. The devil never rests, but neither does God. That fallen angel Lucifer was defeated, and left Christ for a season only. The opportunities to grow are never-ending.

Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called the children of God.
 Matthew 5:9 KJV

And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season.
Luke 4:13 KJV

If you would like to be sure that you are Saved, say this simple prayer:

Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God, and the only Savior as it says in The Bible. Come into my heart, and save me now. I confess all of my sins to you and believe that you died for me so that I can come to know God. I believe and I receive all that you have for me. Thank you for my new life. Show me the way and help me to understand. Thank you that I don't have to fear death anymore, and that I have eternal life in you. 

Image: Free Images

Sunday, July 31, 2016

FOR THE CHRIST-CURIOUS: God Loves And Keeps His Word

At God's timing, we will know the reason for it all.

God loves us, no matter what is happening all around us, and to us.

There is a reason for all of it, and one day, when it is time for God to abolish evil, we will know the reasons. I thank Him that when that time comes, it won't matter to me and many others all the reasons why. We will be ecstatic that the New Heaven and the New Earth have come, and we can live in the presence of God forever and ever.

In the Bible, the story of Noah and The Ark says that he was faithful for decades in warning people that God's plan would be carried out. God had made a promise that he would wipe the face of the earth clean, but he gave all people a chance to escape the terrifying event.

The people who did not believe God continued with their unGodly lives,...

laughing at Noah, secure in their belief that it was all a myth. They were strengthened in their unbelief, because so much time passed with nothing happening. Noah continued to hold fast to his belief, and just as God had promised, in the end he and those who chose to believe with him were saved. Unfortunately, only his children and their spouses believed.

Today, many, many people, possibly the majority of peoples, believe that the story of Noah, and the Bible itself are myths. They believe that all that Christians like me say are myths, delusions and fantastical fiction.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16 NKJV

If you would like to be sure that you are Saved, say this simple prayer:

Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God, and the only Savior as it says in The Bible. Come into my heart, and save me now. I confess all of my sins to you and believe that you died for me so that I can come to know God. I believe and I receive all that you have for me. Thank you for my new life. Show me the way and help me to understand. Thank you that I don't have to fear death anymore, and that I have eternal life in you. 
Image: Free Images
Scripture: BibleStudyTools 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Christian Non-Biased Thoughts On Racial Misunderstandings

This graphic and the serious social questions that it poses was posted at Facebook by Domenic Colangelo of Phoenix, AZ.

I read it at least 3 times because it sounded so important. It sounds like 3 groups or 3 opposed factions are locking horns in the monologue, though it is all about race relations. Realizing that we all have strong convictions, I wanted to respond from as non-biased of a position as possible. So I decided to put aside my convictions, annoyances and frustrations and speak in a way that will help ALL people. That meant that I had to retreat into my Christian re-born spirit, and speak from a Godly viewpoint, rather than from a fleshly, worldly one.  This is my answer to his questions, and to a hurting world:

A lot of them are coming from people who covertly and overtly don't want to change from their attitude against others. No matter how much it is explained, they don't WANT to understand.

From my Christian viewpoint, most of us can pray that Good will overcome in all situations; but we know from God's Word that the world is on a downward track, and that there WILL be a final, preordained end to every bit of it. Until then, we each should think GOOD and do GOOD, and not allow ourselves to be drawn into divisions and warring factions.

Remain neutral in all things and spread the Love of God, which is impartial. Most of all, allow ourselves to be more used of the Spirit to present the question of SALVATION to others. The time is fast approaching, no matter how long the world has already been going on, for God to wrap it up. Until then, a lot more worse things are to happen more rapidly, whether you and I are here, or not. We can always do GOOD, but the world can do nothing but become worse. God does not lie. He has no need to. His Word tells us what to expect.

We should be leaving a legacy of Jesus Christ everywhere that we can, so that if we should leave before Jesus comes, we will have left something for those who are still here to grab hold of. Our younger relatives should have our legacy of hope in Jesus Christ to remember when we are gone. The younger we are, the more people we can touch, as the Lord leads, because naturally we have more time.

We can continue to think GOOD and do GOOD, to be lights in this dying world, but we cannot make this world into a Utopia. That task is reserved for God, by God; and he will do that at the end of time, when time is no more, when he has sent Jesus back again, and he has put an end to evil and everything and every being associated with it.

Pray without ceasing.

Image Graphic Credit: Domenic Colangelo, Phoenix, AZ.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

POETRY: A Great Day Of Faith

It started with God, and coffee, and me.
Oh, what a day it was slated to be.
So full of faith, abounding with hope.
No reason to wonder, worry or mope.

Fear was the first to be tackled down.
No more fear would be coming 'round.
Worry was next, a quick exit to make.
Hopelessness exited in its wake.

Waiting to fill up my spirit with love,
All for the sake of sweet Jesus above,
God's Holy Spirit gave comfort to me.
Oh, what a day it was slated to be!

~ SJ Holland ~

Image: Free Images

Friday, June 10, 2016

"Lord, I Just Want To Give Up, But Nothing Shall Be Impossible To Me."


Most of life is starting over, you know.


Have you had a big disappointment lately? Did something not work out, or did something change for the worse? Did someone let you down, or were you counting on something that did not develop? Does life just seem overwhelming at times? Do these things leave you feeling sad, lonely, depressed or hopeless? Do you just feel like not trying again? I'm sorry. Most of life is starting over, you know. We go to bed. We get up, and we start again. It certainly can be exhausting, and sometimes we just want to give up.


At times like that, all I have is The Word.


I felt that way a couple of times over the last 48 hrs. I said, "Lord, I just want to give up. It's too much. It's too hard. I'm just tired." At times like that, all I have is The Word, and I am always grateful when I feel like reading it, because there are times when I don't. Thankfully, those are few and far between.


It shall remove, and nothing shall be impossible to me.


I always feel better when I just open the Bible and read, even if I still have to face a mountain. His word tells me that if I shall say to this mountain be removed and cast into the sea, it shall be done. If I shall say to this mountain remove hence to yonder place, it shall remove, and nothing shall be impossible to me.


This power is available to me.


I may not yet be able to grasp the manifestation of that in my everyday life, since daily issues can seem to proliferate, and seem so overwhelming. But, I feel better just knowing that this power is available to me.


There Is No Rock Like Our God! 

If you would like to be sure that you are Saved, say this simple prayer:

Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God, and the only Savior as it says in The Bible. Come into my heart, and save me now. I confess all of my sins to you and believe that you died for me so that I can come to know God. I believe and I receive all that you have for me. Thank you for my new life. Show me the way and help me to understand. Thank you that I don't have to fear death anymore, and that I have eternal life in you.

Image: Free Images

Friday, May 27, 2016

God Is The One Who Is Winning Thank God

God is not a man, who would need to lie. You are safe, though you may feel distressed.
If you believe that God is for you and supporting you, then who can ultimately succeed with their plans against you? What evil influence means for bad against you, God is turning in to good for you. Despite the fact that it seems like all negative, damaging, destructive, distressing and evil forces leveled against you are winning,

God is the only one who is winning.

If you are connected to God through rebirth in his precious Holy Spirit, and growing and becoming more rooted and grounded in Christ Jesus, you are winning too. Those who are living in the darkness in which you used to be, who are allowing themselves to be used as instruments of harassment, mistreatment, conflict, exploitation, oppression and abuse in your life, think that they are winning. They are gleeful that their evil devices seem to be succeeding. Even to you sometimes, it seems like they are winning at every turn.

But rest assured, if you know God, and are drawing nigh to him daily, and seeking his face, then God is winning.

If God is for you, who can be against you. In the end, who is able to succeed against God? If Lucifer was not able to defeat God, then how could your enemies ever be able to? Why fear what man can do against you, or to you. Eventhough the problems, issues and afflictions may be very difficult, and seem at times to be unbearable, somehow, sometime, eventually, sooner or later, it is going to work out for your good. What is happening is not good. It is not God's will for your life, but he is allowing it to happen. This is very hard to accept in many circumstances. Remember that God knows the end of it, whatever that end may be and whenever it may come, and he has planned for the result. This suffering is going to be used to bless you in some magnificent way. It will be magnificent whether the blessing is small or large, and whether it is here, in this life, or the next.

If you read his Holy Word, you know that we have promises from God, and God is not a man, that he would need to lie. You know that there are promises designed to manifest in this world, in this life, and those that will be delivered when you are gone from here, and living with God forever and forever. His Word says that he who delivered up his Son for us all, how shall he not with him freely give us all things? You know that the blessings of God are also for this world, as well as the world after this one. We don't know, as we are living here, what blessings we will receive along our life course, and which ones will be given in the New Life.

So, continue to open yourself up to all of God's blessings, today and everyday, the blessings that come in good times, and the blessings that come in bad times. Remind yourself in the most difficult of times, and never forget, that,

If God be for you, who can be against you?

Who can ever succeed against you, really?

Scriptures: Romans 8:31, 32
Image: Free Images