Showing posts with label Peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peace. Show all posts

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Why Won't God Take Bad Memories Away?

Have you ever asked yourself this poignant question? Have you ever struggled to forget a devastating memory about your own behavior, or that of someone else that affected you? Has it been difficult to move on because you keep hoping that the memory will die, or that God will remove it? I have felt this way many times. The truth is that God chooses to erase memories for some, according to his perfect plan. For others, the hateful memories continue to afflict. Why?

God chooses to erase memories for some, according to his perfect plan. For others, the hateful memories continue to afflict. Why?

I believe that if my distressing memories are not erased in this world, I still have hope for enduring them. While I suffer them, I remember that Christ also suffered for me, and he suffered much more than I ever will.  I am actually suffering a little, along with him.

I have often wondered about this scripture, "And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together" (Romans 8:17 NKJV). I have learned that whatever memories God doesn't see fit to remove, I carry as my cross. I also have learned through God's word and His direction to channel bad memories and emotions.  They can be used, just as everything can be used, because nothing is without usefulness within the Kingdom of God.

The scripture in Romans 8:13 tells us how. "...but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live." To mortify is to be ashamed, embarrassed and regretful. As we consciously endure, rather than fight the shame and sorrow of our bad memories, we are dying with Christ, and living with Him. In being forced to remember, we are not being charged with our failures and condemned for our hurts, but these are being used to elevate us.

In being forced to remember, we are not being charged with our failures, but our failures are being used to elevate us.

God knows how to elevate each of us. Even those who have been delivered from some memories are given circumstances to endure, in order to suffer with Christ. I may carry a thorn(s) in the flesh, and bear a cross(es) in this life, but it WILL one day all be over. If I continue in faith, I'll reap rewards, not only in the world hereafter, but here and now. Most of all, my light will shine brighter and brighter, until in the end when it will be engulfed forever by the light of God.


Through the thorns of bad memories shines the hope of present and future renewal.

Through the thorns of bad memories shines the hope of present and future renewal. Press on through power from The Word. If God does not see fit to deliver you from those dreaded memories, endure and be recharged. See those memories as God sees them. Your painful memories are nothing but energy. Energy for living. Energy for life through Christ.

Image: Bare Branches- Artsy Craftery Studio
Image: Apple Tree- Pixabay Free Images
Scriptures Taken From: Bible Study Tools
Word Definitions Source:

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Pocket Power Prayer

The effective prayer that Jesus modeled has traditionally been seen as The Lord's Prayer. It's actually a prayer model that Jesus suggested to his disciples to use when they prayed (Matthew 6 NKJV). He also admonished them to not use vain repetitions, which raises a question. If we pray this prayer regularly, aren't we using repetition?


The answer is in Verse 9, where Jesus encourages them to pray "in this manner."

He does not tell them to pray that prayer. In this manner means that he was providing a template, a format for them to use in creating their own prayer to God the Father

It is easy for man to get in a rut and to perform actions without thinking or feeling. Man also faces the danger of performing to receive glory from others, and to make a good impression. Jesus says that the only value that is received for that kind of behavior is what is gotten from others at that moment. There is no long term, spiritual benefit from performing vain repetitions to impress others. If we perform for others, it is easy to use vain repetitions because there is no heart in our display.


If we pray in private, making our prayer session between us and God alone, it is easy to use his prayer model to construct our own prayer, because our innermost feelings are drawn out.

It would be beneficial for you to create a prayer in your own words, using Jesus' model. I call it the Pocket Power Prayer, because it packs a lot of power in its small size. You would then pray it often, adding extra thoughts and feelings to it whenever they come up in your spirit. In this way, you will reduce the chance of making it repetitious.

This prayer model is useful when we don't know what to pray, but want to commune with God. I was on my knees and wanted to pray once, but just felt tired and uninspired. I decided to pray The Lord's Prayer, because I had heard that it covers everything.


I prayed it from the heart, carefully pronouncing each word and thinking deeply about the meaning of each phrase.

The most interesting thing happened! When I finished, I wanted to continue praying, adding more to cover all of my concerns of that moment, but I could not pray anything else. When I began to say a statement, it felt like I'd already prayed it. I felt that it was already covered. So it is true that when Jesus spoke this prayer model to his disciples, he presented a perfect prayer format.

This is my prayer rewrite. You are welcome to use it whenever you would like, but I encourage you to write your own. Just rewrite each phrase of The Lord's Prayer in your own words. There are no perfect or right words or sentences. Just follow Jesus' format. As long as it makes sense to you God will understand and commune with you, because as Jesus said, "For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him" (Matthew 6:8 NKJV). This does not replace our open lines of communication with God, or our short or long prayers to God at any time.  It's an additional tool. If you look closely, you can see how I have followed Jesus' model for praying to God.

Dear Father, who lives in heavenly places that we can't yet see. May we respect your name continuously. May your inner glory fill us and your outer glory consume the world in due time. We embrace your daily plan in our lives and all around us, and throughout the world, just as your plans are carried out in the heavenly places. Thank you for providing food today, in whatever way it shall come.

We choose to forgive everyone who has misused, damaged or failed us. We know that in return we have your forgiveness, through your Son Jesus' sacrifice, for our sin state and all that it entails. Thank you for providing a way out of cowardice when we are tried, so that we can hold on and endure the testing. In this way, we know that we will be delivered from the evil of faithlessness and fear.  We know that you own everything, Father. You possess power over all things, and all glory belongs to you. Amen

Image Credit: Wallpapers Wide
Scriptures Taken From: Bible Study Tools

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Am I Growing As A Christian?

This morning I was watching Charles Stanley, who rarely if ever has a non-interesting lesson. When he began to introduce his subject about how to tell if we are growing as Christians, my ears perked up. I picked up my pen and pad, because I knew that I was going to receive useful info. I am always ready to evaluate my Christian position and growth.

The first sign that he shared of Christian growth is when we become increasingly aware of things in our lives that just don't feel right. Whether habits, issues, our environment, possessions, etc., we suddenly begin to see non-Godly things for what they are. His #2 point automatically follows the first revelation. As growing Christians we swiftly respond to this knowledge. We are anxious to remove ourselves from this undesirable circumstance, or remove the offending thing from our lives.

Dr. Stanley shared that when our spiritual battles intensify, though we may feel distress we are still able to rejoice in the Lord. This is more than trying to convince ourselves that we are okay, or that everything is alright. Instead, when we are growing, we find ourselves being so confident in God's love for us that we are able to praise Him and glorify in His plan and purpose for us. We are able to see the direction in which he is leading us, so we feel joy unspeakable and the peace that surpasses all understanding. We don't have to strive to feel these things when we are advancing as Christians. They are there, within.

Other points that Dr. Stanley shared include:
  • We are able to view all things as coming from Him. His emphasis was on VIEW, whether all things are from Him or not. He also shared that this point was vital in his life, especially when he was being harassed and hindered by others.
  • We worship and praise God more.
  • We more often want to share what Christ is doing in our lives.
  • It is not a burden to perform service to Him, but an honor. He stated that sometimes we say that we don't have time to serve in the church. He further said that God can arrange for us to not have time for anything, job, home, recreation, etc. His point was that the time we spend doing all that we do is allowed by God to continue. We wouldn't be able to live the life that we do without God. We should be happy to devote some of it to Him. He said that though we all can't do the same things, we can find out what we can do.
  • We recognize His presence more.
  • We have a desire to give more.
  • We become more hungry for God.
Dr. Stanley shared very effective barometers for measuring our spiritual advancement. You can view his video of the lesson by clicking the link below.

God bless you to grow more in Him each day!

Source: "The Second Step - Growth". InTouch Ministries.

Image Credit:

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Seeing The Ducks For What They Are

We serve a Good God, the Most High God, the Only Wise God, the One True God. No matter what is looks like and sounds like, God is in control of our lives, if we've given him that. It is said that if it looks like a duck and quacks like duck, it is a duck. The world, the flesh and the devil would have us believe that the struggles, difficulties, challenges, trials and tribulations that we are experiencing is just the way it is, and will always be. There is another way, though, to think upon this.

The negatives in our lives that look like ducks and sound like ducks are not ducks. They are not what it is. The only thing that IS is our God. He has our very best interests at heart. The Heart of God IS. The Heart of God IS alive. The Heart of God IS caring.

If you are challenged today or tonight; depressed, downtrodden, disturbed, disabled, devastated, dislocated, discombobulated or demeaned, remember what God can, will and IS doing in your life.  He IS the Great I AM. He's not just some shadowy, idealistic vapor in our imagination, and way up there somewhere. He is here. Let go. Believe. Submit to his loving care, his instructions, his prompting, for he IS: the RESTORER, the RENOVATOR, the REVEALER,  the REPLENISHER, the RENEWER, the REVITALIZER, the REJUVENATOR, the REFUELER, the RESTOCKER and the REDEEMER!

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.
(I Chron. 16:34 NIV).
Image Credit:
Scripture Source:

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Your Tears Speak: Scott David Buckley Ministering To The Fractured Mind

Do you ever feel that no one hears your cry or acknowledges your suffering? Does your faith waiver under the burden of difficulties and challenges? Have you ever wondered if anyone even cares about what you are going through? Do you feel lonely, deserted, ignored or alone? Well, you are not alone at all, though it may sometimes or often feel that way. Let this skilled, Christian poet take you out of yourself and into the arms of The Christ who cares for you. This gentle, soothing free verse poem will remind you that your advocate is even now at the right hand of God speaking on your behalf, and giving to you a hope and a future.



Scott David Buckley

I can hear you.
Your tears speak to me.
Voiceless words only I can understand.
Can you hear me?
I cry too.
I am right there with you.
Holding you.
I know you.
I know who you are.
I care about you more than you know.
I see everything.
I feel everything.
My heart breaks for you.
If only you could see.
The love that comes from me.
You need not suffer.
No, suffer no more.
I'd wipe away those tears from those eyes.
Be silent no more child.
I am listening.
You don't need to say a word.
Your tears speak to me.
I can hear you.

©2012 Scott David Buckley

Scott David Buckley is a fellow Christian writer and friend who lives in Newmarket, Ontario. In addition to his blog, he manages several Google+ Christian and mental health communities. He generally writes poetry that bores into the deep well of psychological trauma and despair. He often then flips it and offers the healing balm of spiritual knowledge and faith in Christ.

This minister through verse calls himself, "an 'Alternative Christian', meaning I seek a personal, intimate relationship with God through Jesus the Christ, minus all the trappings of religion & man." If you've noticed in the image, he has a large, short-haired, cream-colored companion named Somewhere, who is always with him. Though Scott is journeying through healing from mental illnesses, he emphatically states that he is not his diagnosis. Here is some of what he shares about his challenges, victories and ministry.

"I must mention though, with my illnesses and all I have never been closer to God than I am now. He has even used me and my illnesses to reach out to the silent, those without a voice. Those who, like I did for so many years, suffer in silence for fear of ridicule and judgement. Which I have experienced and still do." 

"Now, I'm not saying God wants me to have these illnesses, that couldn't be further from the truth. But there are those who need to know that they are not alone, nor are they the only ones who feel as they do and experience that which they do. That there are those like-minded (excuse the pun) and share the same experiences and feelings and do actually understand to a point."

"So, I have become that voice to others that need to hear and see. That's why this poetry blog exists and my other writing blog, Broken Mirror, and my two Google+ communities, Alternative Christian Community and Mental Health & The Christian. These are all ministries that God has given to me and are the means for me to reach those who maybe otherwise wouldn't be touched."

"I must add that it is the Holy Spirit that guides me in everything, in the words I write and so on. I seek only to follow God's perfect will for my life, I seek to use the gifts He has ordained me with, one being the gift of encouragement. I am sitting here punching on this keyboard solely because God gave me life instead of letting me die all those years ago and many other attempts since."

"By God's grace alone I have been saved and I have been chosen, as are all God's children, not by any merit of mine, not by any choice I made, only by God's, and His alone, grace and love I have been chosen. I write because there are so many people out there that have no voice. I hope to empower people, to inspire people, to encourage people. I hope to offer some kind of hope, however that may be. And remember no one is alone in anything. God surrounds us all with His grace and unfailing love."

Visit Scott's blogs and G+ Communities here:

The Poet Mind -

Broken Mirror -

Alternative Christian Community -

Mental Health & The Christian - This is a private group. You must be a member to view the posts.
Image Credit:

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Ask For Courage To Hold On

Some challenges and trials just seem to be too severe to continue enduring. We're not sure how to handle a particular situation that is unfair, depressing, painful, distressing or even devastating. We wonder why it is happening. Like with Job, some may come to say that we've done something wrong, or offended God in some way, but Job had not committed any wrong that justified his suffering. When we honestly can't think of an offense that we may have done, we are once again puzzled and depressed about why this agonizing situation is happening to us.

Sometimes, we feel guilty about past thoughts and deeds, and wonder if we are being punished for them. If we believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ and all that He did to pay the price of sin for us, we know that God does not punish us. When we remember the absolutes of the Gospel, we again wonder why we are going through this. We again ask why is it happening.

We understand that though we've been forgiven by God through Jesus' sacrifice for us, often we have to live with the consequences of past deeds. Sometimes we can make them right and enjoy smooth sailing regarding those deeds, and sometimes not. God does not always prevent or alleviate the reaping in this earth of what we sow. If this is not the case, reaping for sowing, regarding a particular trial, then what is it?

The truth is that there is often no answer, that we could ever find in this world, for what we are suffering through. Sometimes we are not given an answer when we ask God why. It has been said that some answers will not come until we are with God. Of course, ironically it probably won't matter then.

Whatever the cause of what you are going through, if you believe God and His Word, you will want to hold on through it all. You'll want to endure until the end of the trial; because often there is a special blessing in it for us. There is often the growth to be had that we need in order to receive the higher up blessings that we desire. And the end will come, one way or another. God has ordained an end to suffering I once heard someone say. I believe that. Whether your trial is mental, physical, emotional, social, financial, etc., it will not go on longer than God allows. It is to the Christian that all things work together for good. It is to those who believe that God takes hard and difficult things and turns them in to something good.

Dear Lord: Bless this reader with courage to hold on to faith and to endure what you have allowed. Help him to stand firm and obtain the blessing that this trial will provide. Give her the wisdom to discern between what you have allowed and what circumstances are not of you. Bless him with the knowledge to end any trial or challenge that is not ordained by you. In Jesus' name I ask. Amen.

Background Image In Graphic Credit:

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Keep Growing And Flowing

I know that you are committed and faithful about seeking God's face. You are faithful in drawing nigh to him. You don't seek counsel from those who don't love the Lord. You refuse to practice the un-Godly ways of unbelievers. You don't socialize with those who scorn the Kingdom of God.  You delight in the things of God, and you meditate in his Word day and night. You work out your salvation with fear and trembling every day. Because of this lifestyle, you are like a tree planted by the rivers of waters, that brings forth fruit in it's season. Your leaf shall not wither, and whatever you do shall prosper. You are on a roll, in God and for God.

waterfalls photo: Cascadas Azul in Chiapas, Mexico 47587CascadasdeAguaAzulChiapasMe-1.jpg 

You will run across others who desire for you to be bound, as they are, because they have not advanced as you have. They will want you to be fearful, as they are, because they are still living in fear. They will want you to draw back, as they do, because they can't move forward in their faith, or lack of faith. Don't buy into it. Don't receive it. Allow your faith, your God-given insight and your power through freedom in Christ to reign. Don't turn back. Don't be drawn back. Keep pressing forward in studying and learning. Rivers of living waters flow from your belly, but that water is only for those who will partake of it, as God ordains.

As you continue to be filled with blessings, you will bless. Flowing waters of blessings from God in to you. Flowing waters of blessings from God out to others who are ordained to receive. Don't allow those who can't receive from you to stop your flow. Get wisdom. Get understanding. Protect your relationship with the Lord.

Dear Lord: Send anointed friends and associates to those who are growing in you everyday. Close the hedge of protection around your servants who obey you, and who prove daily what is your good and acceptable and perfect will. We thank you for only allowing the appointed ones to get through to close fellowship with them. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Psalm 1:1-3
Romans 12:2
Philippians 2:12
John 7:38
Proverbs 4:5,7
Proverbs 16:16

Image Credit: loewus9_photos
Scripture References: Bible Study Tools

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Time To Rest & Reflect On Beauty

It's time for you to sit, rest and reflect on the beauty of God's earth. Along with lovely, delicate notes of Christian classical music, this video will elevate you above the ills of this world. The images are so incredibly beautiful that they will take your breath away. You'll feel the puffs of breeze, bask in the warm sunlight, be dazzled by the visions and hear the whispers of God's Spirit as you pray and meditate. For those who believe, these images are like a tiny taste of what the new Heaven and Earth has in store for us. Though taken from a fallen and dark world, they mimic the unblemished, pristine freshness of Godly perfection.

So take a little time and be elevated, uplifted and transported to pure beauty and light...

In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely...

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Paul's Letter Of No Condemnation

Paul grabbed hold to the essence of his salvation.

Because of his past persecution of Christians, Paul elaborates in Romans on the great state of grace that we are under. This grace that we are free to receive was bought for us through Jesus Christ's sacrifice. Paul's agenda can be seen as an ultimate sin by some, to harass, persecute and murder those who choose to accept The Christ as Savior. Paul must have felt a great burden when his past came to mind. I believe it came to mind often.  How could so infamous of a past not torment the perpetrator. Through his torment and his desire for relief, Paul was able to quickly grasp hold to the spiritual truth of salvation.

Paul's ministry, after he encountered Christ on the road to Damascus, is a large part of the story in Acts. However, though the bulk of Paul's life figures heavily in Acts, he did not write it. At times as we read, we would think that he had. Luke penned Acts, which some feel should have been named The Acts of Paul. If you have read Acts, you may have felt a natural flow to proceed into Romans. This is because Paul wrote Romans, which is actually a letter to friends in Rome. This letter is full to overflowing of the wonderful fact that we are saved by grace, not works. Scripture upon scripture reminds us of this, and is there for whomever will drink of The Living Water of The Word.

Paul grabbed hold to the essence of his salvation. Because of that he was able to obey God and to hold on until the end. God infused him with power and might. The only thing that mattered to Paul was to be able to preach and teach the gospel, whether bond or free, in Jerusalem or Rome, in a jail or hired house, before kings or peasants. He was on a mission on which he could have never conceptualized that he would be. Never would he have dreamed that he would endure a burning and driving desire to speak on behalf of God. He advanced to instant faith, as in scripture, Acts 28:3-6, and he practiced the laying on of hands. He ran headlong into the conflicts which God presented to him with determination and consistency. He never tried to save himself.

Grab hold to the real essence of your salvation, that you therefore do not have to live with a feeling of condemnation about your past, because you are in Christ Jesus. Since you choose to live by the Spirit of God and not according to your fleshly existence, you enjoy freedom from guilt about your past actions, whether they were yesterday, last week or 10 years ago. When those evil memories surface, cast them down with The Word in Romans. Paul  wrote it so that you could live free, just as he did.

Dear Father: Bless this reader with a dynamic understanding of your words of freedom in Romans, and in other places in your Word. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. 
Image Credit: vincenthteh

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Fullness Of All Three: Don't You Want It?

No matter what you call them, we need all 3.

There is great debate about whether or not there is just one God, or three beings, and whether or not the Godhead should be called a Trinity. No matter what you call them, we need all 3. Many of us need strong comfort, and we need it everyday. God sent His Holy Spirit into this lost and dying world to comfort us. (John 14:16, 26). He fills us positionally, and additionally whenever we ask for a fresh refilling. Without the ever-abiding work of the Holy Spirit, there would be much more worldwide chaos and suffering than there is.

Paul, that great converted Christian-hater, said that he kept nothing back "that was profitable" from those whom he taught. He testified equally to the Jews and the gentiles that we should have "repentance towards God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ" (Acts 20:20-21).

Some declare that they worship God, but vehemently reject Jesus Christ of Nazareth as the only avenue to God, and label Him as just a prophet and a good teacher. Jesus said, "He that hates me hates my Father also" (John 15:23). In the 14 and 15 chapters of the Gospel of John, Jesus talks extensively about His position as being the One through which we are able to reach, connect with and commune with God. He establishes that He is the way through which God has chosen to forgive each individual who chooses to walk through that door.

Some swing in the far opposite direction, choosing to idolize Jesus when Jesus himself declared that only God is good. Jesus consistently pointed to God as the source of love, and the provider of The Comforter and The Sacrifice, which was Jesus. Jesus sacrificed His earthly life for us because God provided Him as a sacrifice. Jesus' sacrifice is Our Hope. Sure we have a lot to be thankful to Jesus for, but Jesus was obedient to God. Jesus also said "the Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the works" (John 14:10). Additionally, he did not say no man comes unto himself, but "no man comes unto the Father but by me" (John 14:6).

Repentance to God puts us in a position of forgiveness. Faith in the atoning Blood of Jesus puts us in a position of remission. Receiving the Holy Spirit puts us in a position of reception. God forgives us. The Blood of Jesus releases us. The Holy Spirit helps us to receive the goodness of God, and comforts us each day as we wait for God's avenging of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Don't be taken in by the battle over words and titles. God is in Heaven. Jesus is at his right hand. The Holy Spirit is in this world. Decide for yourself that you will live in the fullness of the Godhead. Give them a name, or not. Receive all that God has to give, through all of His avenues. He loves us so much. Love originates with Him. Don't forget WHO it was who gave us Jesus.

Scriptures taken from the KJV.
Image Credit: joahkim2375

Friday, January 31, 2014

The After-Prayer: The Most Effective Of Them All

kite festival photo:  SDC11165.jpg

Have you ever had a good prayer session, and then as you were getting up you made another statement to God? Has that statement been asking or pleading with God? Has it been a statement of praising him? Have you ever made a quick and unplanned statement of thanks to God after your intense prayer session? These quick, barely discernible after-prayers are wrung from our spirits and offered up, without planning, guile or deceit. Just what are these after-prayers?

They are the prayers after our prayers and are the most pure and impassioned, because they are not contrived. They are spontaneous and natural. The striking, intensely emotional prayer of a righteous man is of much advantage, profit and assistance. There is nothing wrong with the long, constructed prayers that help us to organize our thoughts and come before God with confidence. These types of humble offerings can also be capable of producing the intended result. After-prayers, however, come closer to communing with God.

These authentic, powerful and ardent prayers are the simple statements that are birthed from us in unintended devotion. The length is not important, because they are often one, two or three sentences. They are cast up unawares to God. When you recognize that you have offered up an after-prayer, be thankful and rejoice. They are like whispers, like the Holy Spirit. They are uncluttered with superfluous words and thoughts. They are petitions and thanksgivings that are truly fervent and effectual. They are honest and deeply-felt, a sweet incense to God, whom we can only really worship in spirit and in truth.

The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

James 5:16 KJV

Word definitions taken from: The Free Dictionary by Farlex
Scripture references taken from: Bible Study Tools
Image credit: FunkyMonkeySnacks07

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Why Am I Feeling So Annoyed?

 landscape winter photo: landscape Winter-alone.jpg

As I bent to wipe up the small water puddles on the floor, I thought how once again I have to stop and do extra work as I make my way through each day. God has me in a place to help my mom, but it does add extra responsibilities. I'm able to be at home each day, but I always have so much to do to make a living for myself. It seems like most blessings are accompanied by stress.

As I straightened up, I asked myself Why are you annoyed?  You see, there's usually a reason behind the reason. The surface ripples are caused by a deep stirring underneath. It is said that addictions are the result of a deeper problem, and not the problem in themselves. So often is annoyance fueled by other things, not the annoyance itself. The biggies are concern, anxiety and fear. Jesus said Fear not for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness. (Isaiah 41:10)

As I turned inward and delved deeply into my emotions, I saw that I was not annoyed that I was having to wipe up water that someone else had unknowingly spilled. It was just one thing among the many that whittled at my precious time each day. Combined they bit off big chunks of the time that I devote to schooling and creative pursuits. My hours are precisely layed out for these activities, and it's critical for me to be able to support myself. Anything that I have to do outside of caring for myself, my space, and my schedule is a reminder of how much I have to do. If it was just me, I would not have had to do this. With persistent annoyance there is usually an underlying cause.

I had always thought that one of my 7 sisters and brothers would help mother into her old age. I was establishing my life out of state, and never expected to return. I was finally free from my poor family dynamics and free from the dysfunctional relationships with which I grew up.  I was free to build a positive life, away from the crippling negative influence with which I've lived my whole life. I was glad to be gone, but God had something else in mind. He brought me back here to assist my mother as she ages. It was not against my will that I returned. Through a series of occurrences God brought me to a position where I could say yes when his Spirit bore on me. With persistent annoyance there is usually one or more underlying causes. Resentment.

I have an assignment that is very challenging, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. With persistent annoyance there is usually an underlying cause. Resentment. Fear. The resentment is all of the accumulated burdens in life, plus this one. Do you feel that? The fear is that I won't be able to do what I need to each day because of this assignment that I did not ask for. This will result in me not passing my classes in school, which is a huge challenge as it is, or not selling my creative products and services fast enough. If I don't do everything perfectly, I won't be able to pay my bills and plan for the future.

I feel that my life is now more precariously balanced than ever. This viewpoint causes me to exist in constant annoyance. I'm sure you know what I am talking about. You view your life as being precariously balanced in some way. Maybe it is not balanced exactly like mine, but you do feel, like me, that you are a circus performer, spinning several plates on sticks. One wrong move and they all come crashing down to shatter around your feet.

When Jesus says rest in him, how is it that we exist in annoyance, fueled by fear? Is it because we haven't reminded ourselves of the scriptures that we know? Is it that the Holy Spirit can't get through to bring these scriptures to remembrance? Is it because we are trying to do God's job? Are we trying to do what it is God's responsibility to do? Are we trying to make things happen or control the outcomes instead of leaving that to God?  Are we trying to heal our ownselves from past damage that is too devastating to manage? Are we feeding resentment and fear?

It's time to re-evaluate in what it is that we believe. Returning to the scriptures is always an answer, but the Holy Spirit can only bring sustaining scriptures to remembrance when we're in a receiving spirit. Allowing God to help us get to the root of annoyance opens our spirit to receive. Prayer is always an answer, and when we don't feel like it, the Holy Spirit will do it for us, when we put forth our desire to pray.

Are you in a cold place because you are annoyed. Are you existing in annoyance? Does it take very little for you to fly off the handle inside? Do you find yourself speaking within and saying things like I knew this would happen. I expected that. I'm not surprised. Why would anything happen differently for me? Things will never get better for me. God does not love me. Do you often feel hopeless, or that your life struggles are hopeless?

Jesus said to rest. Period.

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden , and I will give you rest. (Matt. 11:28 KJV)

Then He said to His disciples, "Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; nor about the body, what you will put on. (Luke 12:22 NKJV)

And which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? If you then are not able to do the least, why are you anxious for the rest? (Luke 12:25-26 NKJV)

And do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, nor have an anxious mind.
(Luke 12:29 NKJV)

For all these things the nations of the world seek after, and your Father knows that you need these things. But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you. (Luke 12:30-31 NKJV)

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden , and I will give you rest . Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Luke 12:28-30 NKJV)

He wants us to rest every single day. 

Image Credit: hanka-muffin-angel   

Sunday, December 15, 2013

If You Believe It’s A Miracle, Then It Is

kite flying photo: Kite flying DSC_4041.jpg
Recently, when space became available for me to participate in an educational program, I felt that it was a miracle from God. As I shared it with others, some said that openings came every day. Some said that someone was always leaving the program and making an opening available. The implication was that my chance to enter the program was nothing unusual, but was a common occurrence.

At first, I started to adopt this attitude about my blessing, but my spirit rose up and said, Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of Lights..." James 1:17. "Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass...” Psalm 37:5.

I believe with all my heart that the way into this program was paved for me by God. I believe I could have easily missed the opportunity by an hour, or by a day. I believe that God placed me in the right place at the right time, and that I could not have done that myself; not regarding this circumstance anyway. I chose to reject the idea that my blessing was commonplace. I chose to continue to embrace the conviction that it was a special gift from God.

I believe that to allow my faith to flourish like this is to “...draw 'nigh to God and he will draw 'nigh to you..." James 4:8, to become deeply rooted and grounded in Christ Jesus, and to become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit. For me it keeps the door open for His power to work in me and through me for others.

If someone wants you to believe that your miracle is an everyday, common occurrence, cast that attitude down as …a high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God...”  II Corinthians 10:5, the knowledge of what you know God has done for you.
Image Credit: whsung

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Reject Revenge, Receive God's Blessings

flying kite photo: Kite Flying DSCN0971.jpg
Taking revenge cheats us.

Have you ever thought about what scathing comments you would return to make to someone who angered you? Ever planned what to do to someone who hurt you? Do you entertain thoughts of revenge, because of mistreatment, unfairness and maliciousness? Do you replay the imaginary scenes of revenge over and over? In your anger and suffering, you have no difficulty justifying these thoughts and plans, right?

The truth is, revenge is never justifiable, because God said in his Word, Vengence is mine. I will repay (Rom. 12:19 KJV). When we reject meting out revenge, and even go so far as to repay evil with good, we heap glowing coals onto the heads of those who spitefully use us (Prov. 25:22 KJV), especially for those who are not repentant and who continue in their behavior. But God's revenge and the heaping coals should not be our focus. They are facts that give us comfort, as we choose a higher path.

God is grieved, not because we plot revenge, but because in doing so, we cheat ourselves out of his blessings. This is what taking revenge, whether physically or mentally, does. It's based in the flesh, and we know that in fleshly behavior dwells NO good thing (Rom. 7:18 ESV). To be carnally minded is death. There is no useful thing in thinking on revenge. To be spiritually-minded is life, and peace.

When we are wronged, our battle is not with flesh and blood, or persons, groups, companies, etc. These are the entities that we see when we plan revenge. Spiritual thinking and taking on the spiritual weapons of God causes us to look past these entities, and see our real enemies, principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph. 6:11-12 ASV).

When we take our pain, our suffering, our fears, our angers and channel them through the spiritual principles in God's Word, we become empowered to receive His blessings. His blessings, while they manifest in the physical world, originate in the spiritual world. If we don't choose the spiritual path when we are treated unfairly, we cheat ourselves out of spiritual blessings. We receive from God by relating to him in spirit and in truth. The truth is that the warfare is spiritual, not physical, not fleshly, not carnal.

I know that it is hard. It is difficult. It is not easy to not at least think on revenge, if not being determined to do it. When we can't change our situations, and are subjected to unfairness and hostility, revenge seems the only way out, at least temporarily. While we receive temporary, fleshly relief when we choose revenge, it has no lasting significance. It also eats away at self-esteem and we really don't feel good about ourselves. Don't do it. Don't think on revenge at all, if you truly want and need help and blessings from God.

If we deal in revenge in any way, God won't be cheating us, we will be cheating ourselves. We can't walk in the flesh and receive from the spirit. Oil and water don't mix, and we can't plant orange seeds and harvest apples. We can receive the strength and courage to turn away from relying on the flesh to make things right. All things are possible to him who believes (Mark 9:23 CEB).

Reject revenge and choose God's spiritual weapons, directed at the real enemies. When we do, all things work together for good, we are kept in perfect peace, the Lord becomes our light and our salvation and we don't fear anyone (Psalm 27:1 KJV), and we overcome the world. As Max Lucado said recently, when he was speaking on Daystar, You can make it through this. If we actively take on God's weapons of warfare against spiritual wickedness, we will win God's blessings, with flying colors.

Image Credit: sringler
Scriptures Taken From: BibleStudyTools

Sunday, October 20, 2013

740 Golden Street

golden road photo: Golden Lit Road GoldenLitRoad.jpg

Years ago, I was planning to forward my current address at my son's request. I later emailed and told him that it would be changing in the spring, and I would forward it then. As I reflected upon how disillusioned my son must be with the moving around that I've done, I felt that some of his bitterness about his upbringing stems from that.

Then with the chin up, cheer up, buck up pep talk, that we are sometimes able to give ourselves, when we feel uneasy about others' perception of us, I encouraged myself. I thought well one address that I give will be permanent for all time. When I move to 740 Golden Street my address will never change again. You see, seven is God's number, the number forty is significant to God, and somewhere in eternity the streets are paved with gold.

There is much that has been said about where we will be when it is all said and done. When time is no more, when there is no more sea, and when I know God as I am known, I know that I will be somewhere from which I will never have to leave (Revelations 22:5). I won't have to worry about rent payments, property taxes or homeowners fees since Jesus paid it all in advance, forever.

I won't have to worry about making do with cramped quarters, or poorly located quarters. Jesus said in his father's house are many mansions, and that he was going to prepare a place for me (John 14:2). Whether that scripture is figurative, or literal, or both matters not to me. Jesus said it. I believe it. That settles it.

When I move to 740 Golden Street I won't have to be concerned with obtaining electric service and keeping it on (Revelations 21:23). I will exist in eternal light.

I've been packing for a while, sending my things on to Heaven for my final relocation (Matthew 6:20-21). At my final address I won't need fire, flood, tornado insurance or insurance against Acts of God. It is the act of God (John 3:16) which allowed my name to be written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Jesus Christ is my permanent insurance for my final dwelling place.

I do look forward to having a more permanent worldly address. Depending on how much longer God will allow the world to stand, or how much longer I will be here, I may have 1, 2 or 10 more addresses. I don't know. However many more there will be, and where ever they may be, none will equal the address I am most looking forward to. That address is and will always be my permanent one.

The most reliable forwarding address I'll ever be able to give you
is 740 Golden Street.

Image 1 Credit: tlj515 
Image 2 Credit: BowenMurphy       

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Feel Depression Coming On Today?

Begin to thank God for anything and everything, around you, and on you, and in you, that you deem as good. It's like praising God (though you don't feel like it), and it will help lift you up.

Be strengthened the rest of this day, and receive God's presence throughout this week. It is not over. God is still working on your behalf.

Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God.
Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth .
 (Romans 14:22, KJV)
Both Images Credit: Gary Lerude
Scripture Taken From: Bible Study Tools

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Poetry: It Matters To Me About You

My child, I know thy sorrows,
Thine every grief I share;
I know how thou art tested,
And, what is more-I care.

Think not I am indifferent
To what affecteth thee;
Thy weal and woe are matters
Of deep concern to Me.

But, child, I have a purpose
In all that I allow;
I ask thee then to trust Me,
Though all seems dark just now.

How often thou hast asked Me
To purge away thy dross!
But this refining process
Involves for thee-a cross.

There is no other pathway
If thou would'st really be
Conformed unto the image
Of Him Who died for thee.

Thou can'st not be like Jesus
Till self is crucified;
And as a daily process
The cross must be applied.

Just as the skillful gardener
Applies the pruning knife,
E'en so, I too would sever
The worthless from thy life.

I have but one sole object-
That thou should'st fruitful be!
And is it not thy longing
That I much fruit should see?

Then shrink not from the training
I needs must give to thee;
I know just how to make thee
What I would have thee be.

Remember that I love thee!
Think not I am unkind,
When trials come to prove thee,
And joy seems left behind.

'Tis but a little longer
Until I come again;
What now seems so mysterious
Will all be then made plain.

Take courage then; and fear not!
Press forward to the prize,
A crown of life awaits thee,
Glory before thee lies!
~ Alice C. Lefroy ~
Hold on. Don't give up. Tell God.
Poem From: The Tract League, Grand Rapids, MI 49544-1390
Image Credit:  bcjordan

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Meeting God In The Morning

Spending time with God early in the morning has become such an important part of my life that I talk about it a lot; like now. No matter where I have lived, I've tried to find a park nearby, where I can walk and enjoy God's presence along with nature.  If there's no nearby park, I'll find a quiet street, preferably with nice foliage along twisting and turning sidewalks.

I've found that business and office parks offer a serene and lovely walking experience, with their professionally landscaped environs. On Saturday, and especially on Sunday mornings, I can walk in these areas without having to avoid the disturbance of traffic and people.

Meeting God in the morning sets my day for success. I didn't say that my day necessarily goes the way that I want it to when I meet God in the morning. When I fellowship early with my Lord, I am, however, able to handle, with confidence and spiritual strength, whatever may come. On days when everything goes well, my joy is magnified through knowing that I spent time first thing that morning, with the Author and Finisher of my faith.

God In The Morning
Ralph Spaulding Cushman

I met God in the morning
When my day was at its best,
And His presence came like sunrise,
Like a glory in my breast.

All day long the Presence lingered,
All day long He stayed with me,
And we sailed in perfect calmness
O’er a very troubled sea.

Other ships were blown and battered,
Other ships were sore distressed,
But the winds that seemed to drive them
Brought to us a peace and rest.

Then I thought of other mornings,
With a keen remorse of mind,
When I too had loosed the moorings,
With the Presence left behind.

So I think I know the secret,
Learned from many a troubled way:
You must seek Him in the morning
If you want Him through the day!
Image Credit: largeprime at flickr
Poem obtained from