Showing posts with label Poetry/Creative Writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry/Creative Writing. Show all posts

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Christian Poem By Helen Mallicoat

A friend shared this poem with me to help me through difficult times in my life. It is so beautiful and touching that I read it often. It soothes my soul and spirit. It's as if God is telling me, Don't look backwards. Don't look forwards. Live in today. Be at peace. I am always here, today.


I was regretting the past
And fearing the future.
Suddenly my Lord was speaking:

“My name is I Am.” He paused.
I waited. He continued,
When you live in the past
With its mistakes and regrets,
It is hard. I am not there,
My name is not I WAS”.

When you live in the future
With its problems and fears,
It is hard. I am not there.
My name is not I WILL BE.

When you live in this moment,
It is not hard. I am here.
My name is I AM.

May you be comforted by Helen's words that God is always present with you.

Helen Mallicoat was born to Dora and Walter White on Sept. 4, 1913 in a log cabin on a farm near Arenzville, Ill. She passed away at 91 years old on Tuesday, Dec. 14. Helen was an avid writer and many of her writings have been compiled into books. Hallmark published Listen for the Lord in 1980. The most widely read of all her writings is the poem I Am, which was published in 1982 on a poster by Argus Communications. Almost weekly she heard of it being meaningful to someone.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Poetry About Our Father From David C Brown

I am sharing 3 poems by David C Brown about Our Heavenly Father. The poetry of this long-term Christian writer has such a calming, restful quality. It's as though he's encouraging us to live quietly and peacefully in our relationship with God. I never fail to feel restored and quietened when I read his verse.


If we will live, we must be subject to
The Father as the One who has the Name
Father of spirits; He will bear us through
His chastening. We gladly own His claim
Upon us since it from Him we came;
He rules our spirits in a way to suit
Our needs, and to secure from us His fruit.

(Hebrews 12: 9)

What a beautiful and insightful way to describe God's purging of the branches. The last line, "He rules our spirits in a way to suit Our needs, and to secure from us His fruit," gives me chills because of its depth of meaning.

This is because I think about how we suffer through God's purging and we judge it as being for his unknown purposes. David's light on this Godly process advocates that we can only realize the fulfillment of our own dreams, needs and personal prayers through it. Even the securing of his fruit from us (and what a great twist of words David wrote in that phrase) blesses us because we are the better for God's clipping and pruning process.

Here are 2 more poems that David has written about the glory and loving kindnesses of The Father.


When first the light broke through the primal darkness
It gave this earth hope it would live anew,
Although exposing chaos in its starkness.
Then great and small lights graced the settings due
To them, while looking to the Light that's true;
Father of lights, since then each light that's burning
Comes from One with no shadow and no turning.

(James 1: 17) 


Satan, the flesh, and sin, in their own fashions
Have clashed against me to disturb my soul;
But I turn to the Father of compassions,
The God of all encouragements, and roll
My burden on the One who will console;
In spite of ills my foes seek to impart
The Father of compassions binds my heart.

(2 Cor 1: 3)


David works in the environment industry and lives in Scotland. His interests are Jesus Christ, Christianity, the Bible, poetry, the environment and sustainable development. Some of his favorite books are the Bible, The Sufferings of Christ and George Herbert.

His poetry blog is Grace Notes.

You can find his books at Lulu.



Sunday, August 22, 2021

Poetry: Light In Madness


Oh dear Lord.

You are a comfort in a world gone mad.

How can I exist here and not

Be touched by such distressing stuff?

Though it grapples and clutches at me

To drag me down to depths of

Depression and despair of hope,

I climb back up.

I eat and drink your Word daily

In a world gone mad.

© SJHolland

Your word is a lamp unto me feet and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Poetry: God And Son As One


How hard it must have been

For you to know, Lord,

That you are the Light of the World,

And to walk among hatred and blindness.

How hard it must have been

For you to live under

Being harassed and hated,

And to walk among

That determination to murder.


But you were determined

To enforce God's will.

Your Father, who gave you up

To a vicious world of dark haters,

Lived the horrific sacrifice through

And with you.

~ Sandi Holland ~

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Choose Joy

I choose to laugh in the midst of trouble.

In the midst of sorrow, I choose joy.

All things will always work together to

strengthen me and bless my life.

My Heavenly Father has promised it.

I can trust in what He says.

He is the One True God!


© SJHolland


Romans 8:28


Sunday, April 25, 2021

Due Time: Christian Poetry

Just like this man who has gotten this kite to fly, we can also get it right with God's help.

It is when you see something happen in your life.

Something that you feel is not right.

There is that feeling that you were wronged.

One thing that you have to do is give it to the Lord.

You have to trust in the Lord that things will work out.

That is having faith in something that you do not see.

I know that it is something that is hard to do.

It is just something that you have to do.


Leo  is a poet who has shared some of his poems at He says that this poem is about things and time. He lives in Florida, and says about himself, "I am one that just loves to write."


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Christian Poetry About God As A Deliverer

The Dear Deliverer Poem About God As Helper

The Dear Deliverer

Oh God, did you set up my deliverance
Decades ago?
Oh Father, did you set the stars to turn
In my favor?
You always come through,
No matter what the challenge
Or fear.
You help and deliver,
Free and clear.
To my heart and my soul,
You are dear.

©2018 SJHolland

Thursday, May 10, 2018

POETRY: I Choose Joy

I choose to laugh

In the midst of trouble,

And in the midst of sorrow,

I choose joy.

~ SJHolland ~

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him,

so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Rom 15:3 NIV


Monday, May 7, 2018

A Well-Watered Garden Is Yours

The  Lord will guide you always,

He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land,

And will strengthen your frame.

You will be like a well-watered garden,

Like a spring whose waters never fail.

Isaiah 58:11 NIV

The Bible tells us the truth about God and what he thinks about us. All you have to do in order for your life to become a well-watered garden is to receive, speak and believe the Word. God makes many promises to us in his Word, and he does not lie. He is a faithful God, one in whose word we can trust. He causes everything dead to live again.

If you will allow him to, he will bring back to glowing life your dead dreams, hopes, abilities, beliefs, possibilities and faith. It is never God's will that you should live in a dead, barren and parched life. He is the life-giver, through his precious Son, who is The Way, The Truth and The Life. 

Watch the sprigs of luscious growth begin to form

as you open to God's way,
receive his word

and believe his promises.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

POETRY: About How The Bible Changes Us

Read the Bible everyday, read a variety of scriptures and watch the changes happen.

Subtle Changes

The Word molds.

The Word shapes.

Read the Word,

And you'll never have to try

To be good.

You will evolve,

Into a thing of beauty

Before God.
~ SJ Holland ~

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Submit Your Christian Poetry To Be Read At A Podcast

J. Todd Underhill is back reading Christian poetry at his SoundCloud podcast Poems of Prayer and Praise. To have your Holy verse considered for reading send it to him at

He really has a great voice that he terms euphonious. You won't be disappointed. You'll love hearing him intone your verse and the verse of others as we worship and praise our Lord Jesus Christ and God The Father.

If you are reading this from a feed or email alert, you probably can't see the podcast video player above. To listen to J. Todd's latest poetry reading, click and follow this post to Draw Nigh To Hope. You'll find the SoundCloud player in the post, where you can click the play button and listen.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Poetry: The Paths You Give Me

Dear Lord, your mercy is wonderful,
So everlasting and true.
You fill me with soaring thankfulness
For all that you for me do.

I never want to desert you,
No matter how hard the way.
Your loving arms do surround me.
I seek you every day.

The paths of others do wander.
The paths of others do stray
Away from your loving kindness,
As they would seek their way.

But never again will I do it,
Consider that you don’t care.
I’ll hold to the paths you give me.
Your love will keep me there.

~ SJ Holland ~

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Poetry: He Will Turn It Into Good

He Will Turn It Into Good

I heard a man on TV today,
Who spoke about suffering and trials to allay,
The feeling that struggles are really for nothing,
The often unfairness and our life's contorting.

He said if we could not determine a cause,
That we can be certain and give this applause,
That we will come out of it richer inside,
The strength that we get will show on the outside.

Some trials are too heavy, some burdens beyond,
What we think is fair, way too much put upon.
But, there is not anything God cannot use,
To make our lives better, to help us improve.

That does not support that our pain is ordained,
That God must make sorrow for blessings to rain.
He does not need trouble and horror and woe.
He needs not the evil from that pit below.

We live in a world that is set on a course.
The fault is not ours so we feel no remorse.
We know we can't change Satan's evil world reign.
The Blood of Our Savior we use as a bane.

Don't think about quitting or turning on God.
To God be the glory and give him a nod.
He will make it right, this old world has to go,
And all of the pain and the suffering and woe.

So what can't be changed will be taken for you,
And made as a blessing, to help others too.
Just keep holding on and don't dare you forget,
That you will come out of it richer and blessed.
~ SJ Holland~

"He Will Turn It Into Good" poem ©Holland Writing & Publishing

Monday, November 6, 2017

Poems Of Prayer & Praise Call For Christian Poetry

Submit your Christian poetry for reading by writer J. Todd Underhill at the SoundCloud podcast Poems of Prayer and Praise:

Listen sometimes as he shares verse written by various writers, as well as his own poetry. You won't be disappointed, because he has a wonderful reading voice. He reads Christian poetry every Sunday morning and shares a scripture and statements of faith. 

Sunday, November 27, 2016

POETRY: Wonderful Words

Wonderful Words


I study your Word.

It's lovely to me,

Though sharp, and cutting, and true.


It brightens my path,

And straightens it too.

It turns my gray skies to blue. 


~ SJHolland ~

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

POETRY: A Great Day Of Faith

It started with God, and coffee, and me.
Oh, what a day it was slated to be.
So full of faith, abounding with hope.
No reason to wonder, worry or mope.

Fear was the first to be tackled down.
No more fear would be coming 'round.
Worry was next, a quick exit to make.
Hopelessness exited in its wake.

Waiting to fill up my spirit with love,
All for the sake of sweet Jesus above,
God's Holy Spirit gave comfort to me.
Oh, what a day it was slated to be!

~ SJ Holland ~

Image: Free Images

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Enjoy Each Blessing Fully

Have you ever thought to yourself that if a certain blessing had just come back at the time when you really needed it, it would have been better? Do you sometimes choose to put the use of a blessing on hold until what you feel would be a better time to enjoy it? Ever tried to wait and collect the blessings that you feel go together, before you take pleasure in and use them?

Well, lately I've thought like that, and even often before lately. It seems that many things in my life did not happen when I wanted them to. When I feel that I really wanted and needed some things, the acquiring of them alluded me. They say that God may not come when you want him to, but he's always right on time. I have to say that my years of experience with him has proven that, despite what I may feel at times of sadness and distress.

Though I can't say that I've gotten all that I've wanted, yet, or that all has happened when I most needed it to, God has greatly blessed me in many ways. Those blessings came exactly when they should have, because God makes no mistakes and his plans are always perfect. This is what the Word, the Holy Bible, tells us, and this is what I choose to believe.

So I was standing at the coffeepot, thinking about something or another that I was considering putting on hold, or feeling that I had to wait for something else before I could enjoy it. Then I thought "No! God's blessings don't come to be saved. They don't appear to be stored up. They don't happen to be banked. They happen to be utilized and enjoyed as they manifest." God is not in the storage business. He's in the immediate-use business, the acquire-it-as-you-need-it business, the demand-and-supply business. My new poem then sprang to mind. Allow it to inspire you to live fully each day, draining out each blessing as God sends them your way.

It seems to me that rarely
Do they come along on time.
We want to get one blessing
So another can align.

It seems that life is often
Just a waiting game you see.
We wait for this to happen,
Then we feel that we can be.

But rarely does it happen
That our blessings fall in line,
With what we want to happen
In our fairly finite minds.

For God is of the infinite,
The infinite is Him.
And though we may think otherwise
His plans are not a whim.

His plans are not haphazardly
Patched up to make our lives.
The blessings when they happen
Are on time and God-devised.

Don't try to re-arrange them,
Choosing pleasure in just some.
Enjoy each separate blessing
To the fullest, as they come.

~ SJ Holland ~

Happy Autumn!

Poem: (c)2015 SJ Holland
Image: Free Images

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Roger Laidig: Finding Purpose and Joy, It's A Journey

Learn how to find purpose and joy in life.
Finding Purpose and Joy: It's A Journey, is an 81-page guidebook written by Purdue adjunct professor and Christian counselor Roger Laidig.  It is written in easy-to-read layman style, and printed in large text. Throughout the volume are simple, strategically-placed line drawings that support the life-changing lessons that Professor Laidig presents.  He outlines his case for the necessity of finding purpose and joy in about 14 short chapters, labeled as "steps". There are many profound points shared in this peacefully-written and quietly motivating book.

Finding Purpose and Joy
One point that Roger discusses is The Four Quadrants Time Management System. This is an effective way to corral our schedules, and he details it on pages 27-32. His explanation on page 34, of victimization, shows just how much insight he has into one of the significant origins of victim mentality, and how it manifests. If you want to get a spiritual handle on your memories of enduring mistreatment, you need to read this revelation. It will help you work with God to obliterate some negative effects of your past. You can believe that the truth always sets us free, one way or another. Professor Laidig has spoken a truth here that hit home for me. There is so much more in this book to help us grow towards healing and fulfillment.
Learn about the "white page" and "black dot" concept in personalities, and how it can help you to value and appreciate others.

In step 4, he explains how holding on to hurt and anger, as a result of mistreatment, causes us to continue to lose twice. I like how he reveals, in Step 5 a different understanding of what really happens when we insist on winning in every encounter that we have with anyone. In step 7, I enjoyed learning about the "white page" concept regarding personalities, and how it relates to the one black dot that can be present. Each time that I picked up this short book, I read something that my spirit quickly absorbed.

In every chapter Professor Laidig reveals at least one pertinent and interesting principle that will help us to find purpose and obtain joy in our lives.  You will find this candidly and insightfully written, self-help book to be easy to comprehend and enjoyable to read. Additionally, you can use it as a workbook by referring to the "Points To Ponder" at the end of each chapter. This makes "Finding Purpose and Joy" a practical book for Christian healing and growth.

Roger Laidig, writer
About his book Roger shares:

Most of us spend the first half of our lives trying to build our lives, grow in our careers, make more money, strive to live in nicer homes, and drive nicer cars.  At the same time as we have children, we want to make sure that they achieve and so we get them involved in many activities so that they can keep up with or do better than their friends.  And yet, something seems to be missing.

If this describes your life at least to some degree, does life seem to feel like somewhat of a 'rat race' filled with anxiety?  Or maybe you're experiencing relationship challenges, your job situation is uncertain, or you’re struggling with debt.  In the depths of your soul are you wondering, "Is this all there is to life?"  If so, there is reason for hope.  Where you are at today is not your destination.  Rather, it's just the first day of the rest of your life.

So as you move forward on your life journey, this book was written with the desire to help you find purpose and joy in your remaining days.  And it can and should be the greatest season of your life.

Learn more about Roger at 

His Website
Finding Purpose and Joy: It's A Journey is available, in various versions, at:


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