Showing posts with label Believing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Believing. Show all posts

A Well-Watered Garden Is Yours

The  Lord will guide you always,

He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land,

And will strengthen your frame.

You will be like a well-watered garden,

Like a spring whose waters never fail.

Isaiah 58:11 NIV

The Bible tells us the truth about God and what he thinks about us. All you have to do in order for your life to become a well-watered garden is to receive, speak and believe the Word. God makes many promises to us in his Word, and he does not lie. He is a faithful God, one in whose word we can trust. He causes everything dead to live again.

If you will allow him to, he will bring back to glowing life your dead dreams, hopes, abilities, beliefs, possibilities and faith. It is never God's will that you should live in a dead, barren and parched life. He is the life-giver, through his precious Son, who is The Way, The Truth and The Life. 

Watch the sprigs of luscious growth begin to form

as you open to God's way,
receive his word

and believe his promises.

Remarkable Faith Before Christ Sacrificed For Us

"Therefore because the king's commandment was urgent, and the furnace exceeding hot, the flame slew those men that took up Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego." Daniel 3:22

What amazes me is the faith of the Believers who lived before Christ. I am reading Daniel, which I haven't been reading in the Old Testament for awhile. It is an amazing book of great faith displayed by young people. I wish I could learn what led these young men (maybe even late teenagers in age because they are fondly called The Hebrew Children) to possess such a strong, sustaining faith in God. I wish I could follow their lives from childhood. Sometimes, the faith of those who lived B.C. seems to be stronger than what we have today, even though we are indwelt by the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead.

I think that the peoples of the ancient Bible Lands saw more miracles than we do today. Miracles were easier to experience back then. Today it is harder to believe in true miracles. Our lives are so complicated with technology, marketing, material possessions and burgeoning societal issues that miracles are hard to experience. It is not that they don't happen, because we have the same God today that Daniel had back then. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. It is just that the miracles of today get lost in the mix of modern living. 

"Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, anad cast him into the den of lions." Daniel 6:16

The stories of Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and Daniel always bring tears to my eyes. Why? Because it is very touching to me that anyone's faith would be so great that he/she would profess that God can deliver from a violent, excruciating, prolonged death, and that the person would declare in the same breath that if he doesn't, they will still not turn their back on him. Poignant, profound and powerful (Daniel 3:17-18).

What is even more remarkable is that the king, who stood on his word and enforced the casting of Daniel into the den of lions, would say to him beforehand that Daniel's God would deliver him (Daniel 6:16). Astounding. Many people who did not walk with God in the ancient Middle East believed in his presence and power simply from the witness and experiences of those who did. Oh, what a wonderful life we would live if we walked in that type of faith today. 

Today we have Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who points to God The Father in his admonitions, to thank for restoring our connections to God. As the many great Old Testament stories of faith show though, God is truly the author and finisher of our faith. Without God, we would not have the Blood-bought saving grace of Jesus' sacrifice. Our precious heavenly Father delivered The Hebrew Children, and he is still delivering today. When he doesn't, however, the strong in Christ, though hurting, still do not turn their backs on him, just as those faith-filled children did not.

Is Knowing God Without Jesus Christ Possible?

Scripture shows that man cannot know God without Jesus Christ.

Decades ago, when I lived in Los Angeles and worked in West Hollywood for a self-employed contractor, he made a pronouncement to me. It was because I was a babe in Christ, and had enthusiastically shared my new conversion with him. One day he stood before my desk with a harsh look on his face and spit out that he knew God and didn't deal with anyone else. I knew he was speaking of Jesus Christ, because he even added a mumbled "that Jesus person"-type of comment. He made me know he was rejecting anything that had to do with the so-called Savior that people like me promote. 

Can man know God without Jesus Christ? If a person believes that, then he/she cannot know the Word of God very well. Scripture plainly shows that we cannot know God without going through His Son. Why would anyone who professes to know God not read what has been revealed as God's Word? Why wouldn't he/she read The Book that has stood the test of time better than any other tome, and is the most popular book on earth?  And when read liberally, how could any person come away still believing that God can be known without acknowledging His Blessed Son Jesus Christ?  I believe that anyone with that stance cannot be reading the Bible.

If God were your Father, you would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. John 8:42

He that is of God hears God's words. John 8:47

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. John 14:1

I and my Father are one. John 10:30

He that believes on me, believes not on me, but on him that sent me. John 12:44

He that honors not the Son honors not the Father which sent him. John 5:23

It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that has heard, and has learned of the Father, comes to me. John 6:45

If I honor myself, my honor is nothing: it is my Father that honors me; of whom ye say, that he is your God: yet ye have not known him; but I know him. John 8:55

None of God's creation can know him without accepting Jesus Christ, His Son, as the way, the only way to commune with God, to be saved and live forever in peace. God set it up that way out of necessity. So, if you are insisting that you know and love God and that you don't need any of that Jesus Christ stuff, read this,

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God loved the world so much, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believes on him is not condemned. John 3:14-18

No matter how strange or bizarre it sounds, Jesus Christ is God's Son and God has made the stipulation that anyone desiring life after death has to ask Jesus to save them. Anyone who wants to approach God and have a relationship with Him has to do it through His Son, Jesus Christ. That's the way it is, that's the way it will be.

It's a simple little requirement, but for which pride and fear makes it almost impossible for a person to submit to. When you feel that tug, though, you know that God is calling through His Son. His Holy Spirit is pressing you to accept the Life that He is offering through His Son. When you feel that inner tug, that means the door is open and you are being encouraged to walk through. You're being invited to partake of life forever. It won't always be so. One day that tug will never be felt again, the door will have closed, and your chance will be gone, forever.

How To Be Saved
Romans 10:9
If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 

  If you would like to know that you are saved, say this simple prayer:

Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God, and the only Savior. Come into my heart, and save me now. Show me the way to understand and turn away from all things that do not help me. I don't have to fear death anymore, and thank you for Eternal Life with You.

Waiting On God? Or Just Indefinitely Waiting?

The path to success is not along a familiar route.

~S Holland~


If you are waiting on God, so that he can bring to you something familiar, so that your dreams will come true, you may be waiting 'till you die.

Your fondest dreams will not be brought about through a path you've already traveled, or else you'd already have them.

To have something you've never had, you've got to do something you've never done. God will show you what it is. He probably already has.

Don't keep waiting on the familiar, calling it waiting on God, and miss God.


Saved But Worried Or Afraid?

Every day of your life conceive of yourself as living in partnership and companionship with Jesus Christ. If He actually walked by your side, would you be worried or afraid? Well, then, say to yourself, "He is with me." Affirm aloud His promise, "I am with you always." Then change it to say, "He is with me now." Repeat the affirmation three times every day.

~ Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, The Power of Positive Thinking condensed edition, Chapt. 8, How To Break The Worry Habit, pg. 36. ©1987 & 2008 Peale Center for Positive Thinking. All rights reserved. Guideposts Outreach. ~


The Kingdom Of God Is Like...?

The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Like...

The kingdom of Heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field...

The kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field...

The kingdom of Heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal...

The kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hid in a field...

The kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls...

The kingdom of Heaven is like a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind... 

The kingdom of Heaven is like a man who is a householder, who brings out of his treasure new and old things... 

Matthew 13:24-52 

Have you read and studied to learn just what the Kingdom of Heaven is, and how it pertains to your life here, and in the hereafter?

It's not just a place that we go to when we leave this earth.

It is behaviors, experiences, occurrences and principles, as well as a place where we will be honored to spend Eternity, which is just forever and forever.

But, as many profess today, Eternity is now, the moment when you accepted Jesus Christ as the only Savior of mankind, as your Savior.

So, if you haven't read these illuminating scriptures, or if you've only read them once, read them again, over and over until you feel God's Spirit revealing to you just what your should be experiencing as a member in His Kingdom. Afterall, you do want all that is yours.


The Difference That Being Rooted & Grounded Makes

I can tell that I'm much more rooted and grounded in God's kingdom. One way in which this is evident to me is because I can listen to or watch anything about The Lord at any time of day or night. This is versus when I was un-saved, or a babe in Christ and felt comfortable and happy doing that at certain times of the day, or on certain days.

I'm just simply always ready to hear a good word about God, or listen to some good worship and praising. I always feel open to it, ready for it. I don't have to get ready, or get prepared, or get in the right frame of mind. I'm always ready to receive. 

I believe this is because I am on the inside of God's Kingdom, not on the outside looking in. Even new Christians are somewhat on the outside looking in, because they are not versed nor experienced in the things of God. They don't understand a lot about who they are, or what it is that they have. 

When I was on the outside, the things of God had the tendency to infringe upon my life, though I wanted to learn more about God. I was seeking growth, but that separation between my moods and desires were conflicting with being mentally and emotionally immersed in God things. 

Some may call it being in The Spirit. Others may refer to is as being consumed with the things of God. Whatever it is, I call it being rooted and grounded in all things God, to the extent that you are always joyfully willing to hear about Him.

As I ponder on this circumstance, I ask myself how has it come about? I believe it is because:
  1. I have been reading The Bible everyday for years now. Whether it is one paragraph or one chapter, I rarely miss.
  2. I have turned prayer into talking to God. As a result I spend time with Him throughout the day, talking to Him about my joys and sorrows. This allows me to share with Him when things happen, not later at a prayer time when I will have forgotten much of how I felt.
  3.  I pray for a hunger and thirst for righteousness, for God to make my crooked places straight, for Him to order my steps in His Word, for Him to establish my thoughts, and for Him to create in me a clean heart. I pray what The Word says I should have. These requests mean that I have to be continuously submitted to God.
I'm happy and content to be open to teaching, preaching, reading, worship and praise at all times. It's wonderful to welcome the things of God, rather than to be afraid or ambivalent about them. It's wonderful to be drawn to God at all times, rathern than to be repelled by Him at certain times.

To be rooted and grounded in God means that we can never get away from Him, and we never want to.


WHY Am I Blamed For What Adam And Eve Did?

When I was a teen, I didn't want to have anything to do with the things of God. It began to infuriate me when I heard the story of Adam and Eve. Why am I being judged for something that two people did eons ago, I thought angrily! What they did was just not my fault! I felt an unfair, unjust burden hanging over my head.

Because I was repeatedly warned about sin from the standpoint of The Ten Commandments, and how Hell would be my eternal home if I made any slip-ups, I felt hounded and blamed for something that I did not do. 

I would ponder with disgust, Is that ALL that this Jesus and God stuff gave me? Is that all that the Bible gave me to look forward to was eternal punishment for someone else's wrong turn? 

My adult life took damaging twists and destructive turns and having no one else to help me, I turned to that God that I'd learned about. Why I turned to someone whom I did not trust, and through whom I felt condemned is a story for another time.

I asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart. I wanted to be saved, to live as a Christian. As I grew in the Lord, I began to understand more about what Jesus did for us at Calvary. 

It is true that the failure of Adam and Eve is not our fault. It has just not been explained in that way. That is the reason that God provided a way out of the unfair condemnation. No matter how much we hate it and don't want it to be that way, it is a sentence passed on to us through the continuance of human life. 

What that errant couple, who possessed free wills, did when they made the poor choice, horrendously affects our lives today and eternally. God loves us so much that he determined that this will not stand. Though the human life that he created will live on, the evil that influenced the downfall will not.
In his love for us, he provided a plan of redemption, a way to restore the connection to him that Adam and Eve's choices severed. Because it is not your fault nor my fault, he provided a way out of the sentence that no one likes to hear about. He sent a Savior, someone to right the wrong done by evil spiritual beings. 

That Savior is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Through the bloodline of Adam, we all inherited death or separation from God. Alternatively, Sacred Blood had to be given to restore our inheritance of life or connection to God.

The only thing that the Gospel of Jesus Christ, what God offers through his Son, takes away from us is that unfair condemnation that we inherited by being born into this world. We all are descended from that tainted bloodline of the original, fallen couple. 

Alternatively, we each have the equal opportunity to have our bloodlines restored to purity by receiving God's provision for redemption. It's as simple as that. We each can go from an inherited darkness and eternal death to a restored light and eternal life. 

God is a good Father and a wonderful God! What loving father would let his children live in eternal darkness for something that is not their fault? If he could in any way prevent it he would. God is the ultimate loving Father. He recognizes our unfair condition. Afterall, he is the owner of creation. 

He is the Most High God, the Only Wise God and the One True God. He asks for one thing from any who wants the unfair judgment lifted: 
  • confess that we are born into sin,
  • that we can't help ourselves, 
  • accept that we need to be saved, 
  • and accept that his Son is the only Savior.

The condition that we find ourselves in when we learn about God is certainly unfair. That God, in his love, has provided a way out. Adam and Eve had a choice through their free wills. They made their choices. You, who have a free will, have a choice. You don't have to stay with theirs. You don't have to stay with the darkness that you were born with. 

Do what they didn't do. Choose life. One day God is going to restore it back to the way it was meant to be on the original Earth. It's there in the Bible! Read it! Read about the upcoming New Heaven and the New Earth. There will be no more evil influence either. Don't you want to be there? Don't you want to walk in the light with God and reign with Jesus, His Son?

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him may not die
but have eternal life.
John 3:16 GNT

 But God put his love on the line for us
by offering his Son in sacrificial death
while we were of no use whatever to him.
Romans 5:8 TMB

If you would like to be sure that you are Saved, say this simple prayer:

Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God and that you died for me so that I don't have to live in darkness anymore. Save me so that I can live in the light of Our Heavenly Father. Help me to understand and grow as a Christian. I know that I don't have to fear death anymore. I have moved from darkness into the light. Thank you, Jesus, for Eternal Life. 

Now tell someone about what you have done.

If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)


FOR THE CHRIST-CURIOUS: God Loves And Keeps His Word

At God's timing, we will know the reason for it all.

God loves us, no matter what is happening all around us, and to us.

There is a reason for all of it, and one day, when it is time for God to abolish evil, we will know the reasons. I thank Him that when that time comes, it won't matter to me and many others all the reasons why. We will be ecstatic that the New Heaven and the New Earth have come, and we can live in the presence of God forever and ever.

In the Bible, the story of Noah and The Ark says that he was faithful for decades in warning people that God's plan would be carried out. God had made a promise that he would wipe the face of the earth clean, but he gave all people a chance to escape the terrifying event.

The people who did not believe God continued with their unGodly lives,...

laughing at Noah, secure in their belief that it was all a myth. They were strengthened in their unbelief, because so much time passed with nothing happening. Noah continued to hold fast to his belief, and just as God had promised, in the end he and those who chose to believe with him were saved. Unfortunately, only his children and their spouses believed.

Today, many, many people, possibly the majority of peoples, believe that the story of Noah, and the Bible itself are myths. They believe that all that Christians like me say are myths, delusions and fantastical fiction.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16 NKJV

If you would like to be sure that you are Saved, say this simple prayer:

Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God, and the only Savior as it says in The Bible. Come into my heart, and save me now. I confess all of my sins to you and believe that you died for me so that I can come to know God. I believe and I receive all that you have for me. Thank you for my new life. Show me the way and help me to understand. Thank you that I don't have to fear death anymore, and that I have eternal life in you. 
Image: Free Images
Scripture: BibleStudyTools 

Praying For Public, Private And Unknown Souls

~ Pray For Mercy From God For That Soul To Be Saved, If There Is Any Chance At All ~

Some Christians are devastated about the untimely passing of Prince, and wonder about the condition of his soul. Once a person, whose salvation we wonder about, has passed on, the only thing that we can do is pray for mercy from God for that soul to be saved, if there is any chance at all for that to happen after death. The person may even have already been redeemed, and we had no evidence of it.

~ We look at a person's lifestyle and judge that they could not possibly have been saved. ~

Many Christians, most probably, believe that it's too late to be saved once the last breath is drawn, and that a person has to have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior before he/she dies. There are also some Christians who believe in a pergutory, a place where the departed soul that is unsaved can go to work out their salvation. There has always been much controversy and scripture-slinging misuse of God's word about it. Christians also believe that the members of some denominations or Christian groups have a better chance at becoming saved than others, even when they believe similarly. We look at a person's lifestyle and judge that they could not possibly have been saved. No way, man.

~ We don't know what has happened in her/his heart at any given time. ~

The truth is that even if a person has never given a public testimony about being Born Again, and even if their life does not reflect it, we don't know what has happened in her/his heart at any given time. We also don't know how long is the time between the drawing of the last breath and the traveling of the spirit on to its destination, and what may or may not happen during that time. Man thinks he knows so much, when basically he knows nothing.

~ Pray for God to have mercy on the soul of anyone who has passed on. ~

We all have special feelings for certain ones, and celebrities and public figures make it easy for us to forget others. We should practice, at all times, to be moved by the condition of the souls of every human being on this earth. I remind myself of this, and shift my focus when some well-known, popular person passes on. This is one of the largest areas where we can pray without ceasing, to pray for the insurance of salvation of everyone that we know, that we hear of, that we see, that we learn of, that we like and that we don't like, everyday, before they leave this earth. Pray for God to have mercy on the soul of anyone who has passed on, along with Prince. That will help ease our sorrow, and remind us to always focus on being prepared. Our time could be up here, or Jesus could return any moment.

Images: free images

The Rock That Is Higher Than I

When my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock

that is higher than I. For thou has been a shelter for me,

and a strong tower from the enemy.

 (Psalm 61:2-3 KJV)

Trust Jesus today to place you in a position to receive all of the help, provision, support and assistance that is available to all who love God with their hearts, minds and spirits. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father, but by Him.

You can live by that same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, for He is alive today. He is even now at the right hand of his Father, our God, continuously interceding for us, until all evil will be done away with for good.

You don't have to be afraid. You don't have to be alone. You don't have to be defeated.  The God of all Hope will fight battles for you, and set your feet upon high places. 

The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble.

He cares for those who trust in him.

(Nahum 1:7 NIV)  

If you want to be sure that you are saved for Eternity, and that you have all of the help that is available to those who love God, accept Jesus, His only Son, as your Savior today. There is no other. Say a simple prayer to Jesus. Use these words, or use your own words:

Jesus, come into my heart now and save me. I believe that you are God's Son and the only Savior of the world. I want to be a child of God and to live for Eternity with you. Show me how to live a new life for the rest of my years here on Earth, and to care about the things of God. Thank you for breaking the hold over me of everything that is not good. I believe that I am in God's kingdom now, that old things have passed away for me, and that all things have become new. Thank you for showing me how to receive all that God has for me, and how to be a blessing to others. Amen.  

Image Credit:
Text On Image: Artsy Craftery Studio

Grab Hold To Courage Today

Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.

(Psalm 31:24 KJV)

Just ask The Lord God for courage to face what is before you. Courage is yours for the asking and receiving. We often don't have it in ourselves to face with strength the trials, sorrows, disappointments, requirements, tribulations, unfairness, rejections, horrors and struggles in this earthly life. God, in his mercy, that is not always evident, has provided help for us. He has opened the door for us to come to him at any time of the day or night, in our minds. Our minds are often very weak, and we just don't feel like coming to God's open door, even if it's just a thought away. The thoughts of this life and what many of us face every day overwhelm us. As long as we know, without a doubt, that we trust in the Lord, we know that we have help in any time of need. It may not seem like it at times, but our faith requires that we believe it. With that ever present belief will come change.

Ask him for courage today, and receive your strength. You may not feel it, but it will rise up and enforce in your circumstance God's power, and the power of all of his angels in Heaven, who encamp around you, because you have a Holy fear or reverence and appreciation of the Most High God, the Only Wise God, and the One True God.

Have You Made Jesus Christ your Savior? Have you wondered about it? Longed for it? Played around with the idea of becoming a Christian? Have you wondered if God could and would really ever help you? God the Father has made it possible for you to come to him and be saved forever in only one way, through accepting his only Son, Jesus Christ, as your Savior, and the only Savior of mankind. Choose to believe that Jesus died and rose from the dead, so that you can be safe in God's kingdom, safe in his loving arms. That's it. No matter what all of the different denominations and Christian organizations call it, it is the same. Say with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead for you, for each of us who choose to believe, and you shall be saved. Then you can go confidently before God at any time, and know that he hears your prayers and will always answer, according to his will, because you acknowledged his Son. You will never again have to fear death, because Jesus conquered it at God's request.

Image: free images

You'll Feel Better Right Away

One of the most wonderful things about God's Word is its ability to remind us of the help, love and abundant provision that we have.

When we don't feel like reading, and we're not feeling particularly faith-filled, if we will just pick up something and begin to read, we'll be refreshed. This uplifting and renewal can come from Christian books, pamphlets, devotionals, scripture cards, and even song books,
not only from the Bible. 

The Holy Bible, however, is the best book to incorporate into our daily schedules. His Word restores and invigorates. It is everlasting and endures to all generations (Psalm 119:89-90).

So pick up something of God, and start reading, even if your heart is not into it. You'll feel better right away.

Image: free images
Scripture text added by: The Handmaid

The Christian, Mental Illness & God

When suffering with emotional and mental challenges, Christians often ask questions such as is something wrong with me? Who will help me? Should I see a doctor and get a diagnosis? Why is this happening to me? Does God really care? Will I ever be free from this horrible suffering? 

There are many reasons that we struggle mentally. Some of them are hereditary, trauma and tragedy. The environment in which we grew up can cause and/or increase mental struggles. Despite the severity of these challenges, the Christian has a source of help that others do not have. Chantal C., a Christian blogger and artist who has managed her mental challenges for many years, shares,

"When we suffer tragic events and huge changes in our lives that lead to trauma, and on top of that have a mental illness, life can overpower us. We may even be in therapy and taking medication but due to our inner suffering, our support network does not seem to be enough.

What it comes down to, is that when we feel overpowered, trapped and defenseless by situations that are happening in our lives, the one we must go to is God. He is the one that will empower us, free us and give us strength to live the life He wants us to.
We must also ask Him the difficult questions we cannot figure out and understand. Why the torment? What purpose does it serve? With God there is a reason and as painful as our torment is and as hopeless as we may get, we must remember to always trust in Him. He provides for us a way out of our anguish through prayer and Scripture. Let us not give up on His love and salvation, the grace He has given us. Let us always strive for that newness of life in Christ."

I met Chantal through a Google+ Christian group, and was impressed by her insight, progress and honesty in journeying through the painful valley of Christian mental illness. I consider mental illness to be a challenge more so than a death sentence, though sadly it has resulted in death for many. It is, however, no more difficult to manage than other life challenges that also have resulted in death for Christians.

We don't know the answer as to why some Christians are crippled beyond repair by damaged emotions and mental processes, just as there is no understandable answer as to why some people in this world suffer so much more than others. Whatever the level or severity of the mental challenge of any Christian, the answer is always to look to God through Jesus Christ and what he did for us on the Cross. There is always hope in suffering, but some are so damaged as to not be able to grasp this hope, to go about obtaining help, or even to pray. It is important for us who can to always pray for those who suffer mentally and emotionally and who cannot help themselves.

Chantal graciously agreed to answer some deep questions about living with and healing from mental illness and emotional challenges. Here are her heartfelt, insightful and profound answers.

1.  When did you first know that you needed help with your mental processes? 
Though I struggled with mental illness most of my life, it was not until seven years ago, in 2008, that I realized I needed help. My world came crashing down on me and I needed hospitalization. I no longer had the mental and physical health I once did. My body shut down and depression settled within me. I felt like I was failing at life, making one mistake after another—broken relationships and lost of employments. I was once very motivated and had my own photography business but as time went on, it seemed like I was fading away from all that was positive in my life.

I realized I needed extra support when I overdosed twice in 2011. I was living with many life-changing experiences all at once and my mental health could not handle it.

I remember when I came out of the psychiatric hospital how ill I still was. My mind was filled with dark thoughts all the while I felt so alone inside. My emotions where still out of control as they wrestled within me. However, four months later I received the support I needed.

2.  Was there anyone to help you? 

I had many counselors since 2008 but it was in January 2012 that I finally found the right therapist. I started to work on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for personality disorders. This helped me tremendously to understand negative thought patterns, emotions and behavior. I am still in therapy as it takes many years to recover from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Nevertheless, I am healing and doing better than ever.

I also received spiritual guidance. This helped me to seek deliverance as I became closer to God. I also learned many things about myself and God, especially that there was hope for me and that I could find it in Jesus. I was encouraged to read Scripture such as Psalm 51. Eventually, I knew God was giving me a fresh start—a chance at recovery.

3. Did you have formal diagnosis and treatment, and what advice do you give about seeking it?

When in hospital in 2011, I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), later confirmed by another psychiatrist. The diagnosis was a relief to me, as I finally knew what mental illness I suffered from. This explained why I had such a chaotic and distressing life. Receiving a diagnosis helped me to realize I was not the only one struggling this way. This gave me hope. I then started my recovery journey consisting of therapy, medication and spirituality.

In my opinion, I think it is important for a person with mental illness to receive a diagnosis. This guides them in the proper direction for their healing process. Accepting what illness they have and seeking the right support are the first steps to recovery.

4.  How long have you known the Lord and how did you become a Christian? 
I have known the Lord since my early childhood years. My mother was there for me and shared her beliefs about God. As I got older, due to my symptoms, I often drifted on and off my Christian path. One thing I have always known throughout the years was that Jesus was my Savior. I always found consolation in knowing this, especially through the difficult times.

Nevertheless, it was not until three and half years ago that I truly became new in Christ and felt like my life was being transformed. I grew stronger in hope and trust towards God, and my recovery. I started to live that intimate relationship with Jesus, even in the midst of illness. 
5.  During your hardest times, have you ever felt that God does not care, or wondered if He even exists?

I know God always exists, but I felt like God did not care so much, when I lived through spiritual emptiness. These were times where I felt a deep emptiness within my core.  Moreover, I could not sense Him, feeling lost in my spiritual life and on my recovery journey. During the past four years, I have experienced spiritual emptiness many times. I either experienced it for hours, days or even months. Nonetheless, this emptiness would not last, my soul would resurface to God’s Light and I would be in awe of Him—knowing that He is always there even in the darkness.

6. How do you justify the suffering of mental illness with God's love? 
God loves all His children. The suffering that Christians with mental illness go through, is due to this fallen world we live in.  God does not want us to feel the agony of mental illness; He wants us to be happy, healthy and holy.

In order for this to happen, we must realize that we have a recovery journey to undertake and that an essential part of it concerns our relationship with God. We must seek Him with all our hearts in order to heal. Just as we have to accept our mental illness, we have to accept that God’s love is there for us, no matter what we have. Moreover, that His love is stronger than all our weaknesses.

7.  When did you start writing about your journey? 

I was inspired to write about my recovery journey during the year of 2012. When I became new in Christ, I felt called to share God’s Word, especially in a way that would help others with mental illness. Through my lived-experience and this newness of life, I decided at the end of the year to publish my blog. I not only wanted to express my healing process but also give others hope that recovery is possible. 

8.  What is your goal when you write about being a Christian with mental illnesses? 
I want people who are Christians and have mental illness such as BPD, to not feel alone with their inner pain. I know from my own experience the confusion and self-condemnation I struggled with concerning symptoms and faith. I believe others may feel the same way, therefore my goal is to be real, ease the suffering, give hope, offer compassion, and share God’s message. Therefore, to bring them closer to God with a better understanding of themselves within their Christian faith.

9.  When did you start painting and what do you do with your work? 
I have been painting on and off during my life, but the work that I treasure most is what I have worked on during these past four years. My paintings have expressed my pain with mental illness but also the hope of recovery.

I presently share my work on my blog and with Google+ communities.

10.  Are you trying to share a message through your paintings? 

While viewing abstract art, a person can see many things and feel different emotions. Therefore, it is something one lives for themselves. However, what I hope for others to experience when they see my paintings is to be moved in a positive way, and that the artwork may speak to them personally.

11. Can the Christian with mental illness be completely free of it? 
I believe that Christians who suffer from mental illness can find freedom from the torment of their symptoms especially if they have chosen a spiritual life along their recovery journey. Besides therapy and medication, finding our spiritual identity in the midst of the healing process is essential to that freedom.

I believe that individuals with BPD can recover, without a doubt, from their mental illness. I say this because I have always believed from the beginning of my recovery journey that I would recover someday, and I am gradually, three years later. Besides therapy, I knew I could only recover with my ultimate Healer—God. 

I think that recovery, for Christians with mental illness, becomes a success when they have stopped suffering from the majority of their symptoms, and they have started to discover and accept their individuality and the truth about themselves—who they really are without the illness. It is when they have finally found their way to that happier, healthier and holier life. They are free from the inner pain, they sense joy and peace in their lives, and the wounds that their soul suffered from, are finally healed.

Chantal C.
Chantal C. has lived with mental illness since her early teens. Her turning point came in 2012, when with therapy and spirituality she gained insight into her illnesses. Though she had drifted in and out of her faith as a Christian, during this time she found new life in Christ. Her desire is to offer hope to other Christian mental illness sufferers. She enjoys painting, photography and writing, and considers these activities to be healing therapies. 

Chantal has discontinued her two blogs,  Mental Illness & The Christian Faith, and Chantal's Art & Photography, and is working on a new blog presence.