Showing posts with label Poetry/Creative Writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry/Creative Writing. Show all posts

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Roger Laidig: Finding Purpose and Joy, It's A Journey

Learn how to find purpose and joy in life.
Finding Purpose and Joy: It's A Journey, is an 81-page guidebook written by Purdue adjunct professor and Christian counselor Roger Laidig.  It is written in easy-to-read layman style, and printed in large text. Throughout the volume are simple, strategically-placed line drawings that support the life-changing lessons that Professor Laidig presents.  He outlines his case for the necessity of finding purpose and joy in about 14 short chapters, labeled as "steps". There are many profound points shared in this peacefully-written and quietly motivating book.

Finding Purpose and Joy
One point that Roger discusses is The Four Quadrants Time Management System. This is an effective way to corral our schedules, and he details it on pages 27-32. His explanation on page 34, of victimization, shows just how much insight he has into one of the significant origins of victim mentality, and how it manifests. If you want to get a spiritual handle on your memories of enduring mistreatment, you need to read this revelation. It will help you work with God to obliterate some negative effects of your past. You can believe that the truth always sets us free, one way or another. Professor Laidig has spoken a truth here that hit home for me. There is so much more in this book to help us grow towards healing and fulfillment.
Learn about the "white page" and "black dot" concept in personalities, and how it can help you to value and appreciate others.

In step 4, he explains how holding on to hurt and anger, as a result of mistreatment, causes us to continue to lose twice. I like how he reveals, in Step 5 a different understanding of what really happens when we insist on winning in every encounter that we have with anyone. In step 7, I enjoyed learning about the "white page" concept regarding personalities, and how it relates to the one black dot that can be present. Each time that I picked up this short book, I read something that my spirit quickly absorbed.

In every chapter Professor Laidig reveals at least one pertinent and interesting principle that will help us to find purpose and obtain joy in our lives.  You will find this candidly and insightfully written, self-help book to be easy to comprehend and enjoyable to read. Additionally, you can use it as a workbook by referring to the "Points To Ponder" at the end of each chapter. This makes "Finding Purpose and Joy" a practical book for Christian healing and growth.

Roger Laidig, writer
About his book Roger shares:

Most of us spend the first half of our lives trying to build our lives, grow in our careers, make more money, strive to live in nicer homes, and drive nicer cars.  At the same time as we have children, we want to make sure that they achieve and so we get them involved in many activities so that they can keep up with or do better than their friends.  And yet, something seems to be missing.

If this describes your life at least to some degree, does life seem to feel like somewhat of a 'rat race' filled with anxiety?  Or maybe you're experiencing relationship challenges, your job situation is uncertain, or you’re struggling with debt.  In the depths of your soul are you wondering, "Is this all there is to life?"  If so, there is reason for hope.  Where you are at today is not your destination.  Rather, it's just the first day of the rest of your life.

So as you move forward on your life journey, this book was written with the desire to help you find purpose and joy in your remaining days.  And it can and should be the greatest season of your life.

Learn more about Roger at 

His Website
Finding Purpose and Joy: It's A Journey is available, in various versions, at:


Barnes & Noble

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Poetry: The Weaver

My life is but a weaving,
between my Lord and me,
I cannot choose the colors,
He worketh steadily.

Ofttimes He weaveth sorrow,
and I in foolish pride,
Forget He sees the upper,
And I, the underside.

Not till the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly,
Shall God unroll the canvas
And explain the reason why.

The dark threads are as needful
In the Weaver's skillful hand,
As the threads of gold and silver,
In the pattern He has planned.

by Grant Colfax Tullar

From Faith, Prayer & Tract League
Grand Rapids, MI

Image from free images

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Poetry: Reasons And Seasons

When your burdens heavy laden
From the cares you find in life,
And you cannot find a reason
For your troubles and your strife,
When it feels you go in circles
And at times you walk in place,
And your tears flow like a river
As they each run down your face,

You must know you're not alone there
In your place of tears and pain,
And the burdens you now carry
Are not carried all in vain.
For there's reasons and there's seasons
To the mysteries in life,
There's sowing and there's growing
Through our happiness and strife.

We're shaped and rearranged
With each burden that we bear,
A hard heart now made softer
One that understands and cares.
And though your pain seems now in vain
On this journey we call life,
Soon you'll look back and you'll realize
There were reasons for your strife.

A lesson learned, a different view,
We're growing all the time,
You need only search within your heart
And a reason you will find.

Gina Laurin
©38173-D Come Follow Me, New Hope Books, A Salesian Missions Publication

Image: Pixabay Free Images

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Poetry: God Be With You

May His Counsels Sweet uphold you,
And His loving arms enfold you,
As you journey on your way.

May His Sheltering Wings protect you,
And His Light Divine direct you,
Turning darkness into day.

May His Potent Peace surround you,
And His Presence linger with you,
As your inner, golden way.

(Author Unknown)

God be with you as you draw nigh to Him, present your body as a living sacrifice, seek first His Kingdom and put on His armor each day. 
Image Credit: bambe1964

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Poetry: High Flight & Touching The Face Of God

The Most Famous Aviation Poem
and A Mantra For Pilots All Over The World

I don't know anyone of a certain age, who watched any PBS TV at all, who doesn't remember this stirring video clip. It was aired as the sign-off of many PBS stations across the US, during the 60-70s. Of course, it gives me chills as it begins, as the music crescendo rises then levels off, and the narrator's deep voice speaks the first few riveting words, Oh I have slipped the surly bonds of earth...

(Note in email for email followers: Included are 2 Youtube Videos that you can view at my blog. They are the main feature of this post. Please don't miss them.)

The poignant thing for me is not only that the pilot thought so much of God's creation that he considered himself to have touched God's face; but because of what I learned about the author of this highly-emotional poem. He was a young Royal Canadian Airforce pilot, of American and British heritage; whose parents were missionaries. After he was assigned to No. 412 (Fighter) Squadron, RCAF, which was formed at RAF Digby, England, he died in a mid-air collision (Wikipedia). How fortunate that he enclosed such a beautiful poem in a letter to his parents. It has always filled me with exhilarating hopefulness, and continues to bless the world.

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds - and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.
Up, up the long delirious, burning blue,
I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or even eagle flew -
And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand and touched the face of God.

Pilot Officer Gillespie Magee
No 412 squadron, RCAF
Killed 11 December 1941

Magee is buried at Holy Cross Cemetery, Scopwick in Lincolnshire, England. On his grave are inscribed the first and last lines from his poem High Flight:

"Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth –
Put out my hand and touched the Face of God. (Wikipedia)"

Sources Cited:
Feenbox Aviation-
Deltaweb UK-

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Poetry: One Thing You Must Believe

Enjoy your life today.
Thanksgiving is on the way.
They come and go so soon.
Look at the Harvest Moon.

Take a peaceful walk.
To beautiful nature talk.
Holidays come and go.
They come so fast you know.

Find joy in little things.
A little bird that sings.
Wake up! Enjoy today.
Only good things say.

Don't wait another day.
Enjoy your life today.
Holidays come and go.
They come and go you know.

Your joy is not in them.
Or any other whim.
Take pleasure in today.
Though holidays are on the way.

The holiday it will leave.
One thing you must believe.
That joy comes from within.
It's always with you, then.

~ SJ Holland ~

I so look forward to the holidays, don't you? Seems like there's always something that we're waiting on to happen; so that we can be happy and experience joy and pleasure. It's so easy to forget about today when we're so wrapped up in tomorrow. Before we know it, that long-awaited event or holiday has come and gone. And then for a moment, the light seems to have gone out of our lives, and the joy with it.
Create things everyday in your life that give you that same kind of joy while you're anticipating an event, while you're waiting on any holiday to arrive. You can, because it does not come from without, but from within.

Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. 
(Psalm 51:12, KJV)

They that sow in tears shall reap in joy
(Psalm 126:5, KJV)

Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.  
(Psalm 16:11, KJV)
Image Credit: tlindenbaum
Scriptures From: Bible Study Tools

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Poetry: It Matters To Me About You

My child, I know thy sorrows,
Thine every grief I share;
I know how thou art tested,
And, what is more-I care.

Think not I am indifferent
To what affecteth thee;
Thy weal and woe are matters
Of deep concern to Me.

But, child, I have a purpose
In all that I allow;
I ask thee then to trust Me,
Though all seems dark just now.

How often thou hast asked Me
To purge away thy dross!
But this refining process
Involves for thee-a cross.

There is no other pathway
If thou would'st really be
Conformed unto the image
Of Him Who died for thee.

Thou can'st not be like Jesus
Till self is crucified;
And as a daily process
The cross must be applied.

Just as the skillful gardener
Applies the pruning knife,
E'en so, I too would sever
The worthless from thy life.

I have but one sole object-
That thou should'st fruitful be!
And is it not thy longing
That I much fruit should see?

Then shrink not from the training
I needs must give to thee;
I know just how to make thee
What I would have thee be.

Remember that I love thee!
Think not I am unkind,
When trials come to prove thee,
And joy seems left behind.

'Tis but a little longer
Until I come again;
What now seems so mysterious
Will all be then made plain.

Take courage then; and fear not!
Press forward to the prize,
A crown of life awaits thee,
Glory before thee lies!
~ Alice C. Lefroy ~
Hold on. Don't give up. Tell God.
Poem From: The Tract League, Grand Rapids, MI 49544-1390
Image Credit:  bcjordan

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Poetry: If We Send No Ships Out None Will Come In

Life without purpose is barren indeed.
There can't be a harvest unless you plant seed.
There can't be attainment, unless there's a goal.
And man's but a robot unless there's a soul.

If we send no ships out, no ships will come in.
Unless there's a contest nobody can win.
For games can't be won unless they are played,
And prayers can't be answered unless they are prayed.

So whatever is wrong with your life today,
You'll find a solution if you kneel down to pray.
Not just for pleasure, enjoyment and health.
Not just for honor and prestige and wealth.

But pray for a purpose, to make life worth living.
And pray for the joy of unselfish giving.
For great is your pleasure and rich your reward,
When you make you life's purpose
The choice of the Lord.

(Author Unknown or possibly Helen Steiner Rice)

My Encouragement To You

Please send your ship out one more time. The answer to your prayer is around the corner.  If you just don't give up you will experience it. The Lord is working to bring your desire into the physical. Let your net down at the time and in the place at which the Lord tells you. Just do it one more time, according to the Lord's will.  It doesn't matter how many times you've tried before.  Just do it again. Your draught of fishes is within reach. Your ship is on its way. Your kite is getting ready to catch the wind.

Image Credit: alwaysmnky

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Poetry: Life Is A Miracle Don't Let It Slip Away

Looking up at a Winter sky.

We run across cutesy quotations, verse and poetry everyday.  Often our emailboxes are crammed with positive alerts and good news notes, many that we have subscribed to.

Sometimes our lives can seem overloaded with positive thinking suggestions and admonitions to look up, think upwardly, aspire upwards, be upwardly mobile.  I support and promote all of that.  I am a positive thinker and becoming more so, as I combat cynicism, discouragement and dejection.

I ran across this poem in my bulging quotations file.  I don't even remember from where it came.  There is no credit to who wrote this insight into selflessness.  When I read it, I was inspired by the simple suggestions to be present and positive in our lives.

Life is a miracle
Don't let it slip away,
Open your heart to others
Give of yourself each day.

See the beauty in everyone
Regardless of where they've been,
Some have a difficult journey
And really need a friend.

Share your gifts and talents
Listen with your heart.
Do the things you dream about
But don't have time to start.

Pick a bouquet of flowers
Show someone that you care,
Be gracious and forgiving
Life is never fair.

Hold on to your courage
You may need it down the road,
We all have a cross to bear
It could be a heavy load.

If you practice all these things
No matter where you roam,
You may find both sun and rain
But you'll never feel alone!


Do the things you dream about but don't have time to start.  Make the time to do the things that you don't have time to do. Make the money to do the things that you can't afford.  Make the effort to do the things that you wish you felt like doing...Understand?

Dear Father: I pray that for each person who reads this post, that you will broaden his scope and widen her horizon. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Me, Myself & God

I went walking this morning with my coffee mug in hand.  It was a gray, drizzling daybreak, and 53 degrees.  Then I came back and sat on the breezeway to read my Bible, and spend time with God.  I like having these morning devotions.  They help me start my day on a positive note.  I start out strengthened and inspired, better prepared for anything that may come along.

I am glad that I have faith in how God does things.  God's ways seem to be very crazy and unfair to many, with 911, Jeffrey Dahmer, Sandyhook, slavery and war.  Many wonder if there is even a God at all.  If there is, they muse, he is very non-compassionate, selfish and self-centered.  Not a loving God at all, but a monster.

Some feel that starting my day with God is no different than starting the day with Yoga, meditation, exercise or other life-enhancing practices.

As I drank my coffee, listened to the winter birds and squirrels, and observed the leaden sky, I thought, anything can happen today.  There could be a devastating event in my life today.  A great blessing could come into my life today.  

I took another sip of my smooth, sweet coffee, and got up to start my day.
Image Credit: prettyinprint

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Poetry: Look Up With Joy

Look up, dear friend,
Where eagles soar
With confidence and grace.
Look up beyond
The stormy skies
Each one of us must face.
Look up with faith
And still the doubts,
The fears and apprehension.
Look up and know
That God above
Knows all your good intentions.
Look up with joy,
With hope and trust,
Then strive to do your best
To make your life
A shining light-
And God will do the rest!

(Vi B. Chevalier, published by Salesian Missions)