Showing posts with label Success. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Success. Show all posts

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Am I Growing As A Christian?

This morning I was watching Charles Stanley, who rarely if ever has a non-interesting lesson. When he began to introduce his subject about how to tell if we are growing as Christians, my ears perked up. I picked up my pen and pad, because I knew that I was going to receive useful info. I am always ready to evaluate my Christian position and growth.

The first sign that he shared of Christian growth is when we become increasingly aware of things in our lives that just don't feel right. Whether habits, issues, our environment, possessions, etc., we suddenly begin to see non-Godly things for what they are. His #2 point automatically follows the first revelation. As growing Christians we swiftly respond to this knowledge. We are anxious to remove ourselves from this undesirable circumstance, or remove the offending thing from our lives.

Dr. Stanley shared that when our spiritual battles intensify, though we may feel distress we are still able to rejoice in the Lord. This is more than trying to convince ourselves that we are okay, or that everything is alright. Instead, when we are growing, we find ourselves being so confident in God's love for us that we are able to praise Him and glorify in His plan and purpose for us. We are able to see the direction in which he is leading us, so we feel joy unspeakable and the peace that surpasses all understanding. We don't have to strive to feel these things when we are advancing as Christians. They are there, within.

Other points that Dr. Stanley shared include:
  • We are able to view all things as coming from Him. His emphasis was on VIEW, whether all things are from Him or not. He also shared that this point was vital in his life, especially when he was being harassed and hindered by others.
  • We worship and praise God more.
  • We more often want to share what Christ is doing in our lives.
  • It is not a burden to perform service to Him, but an honor. He stated that sometimes we say that we don't have time to serve in the church. He further said that God can arrange for us to not have time for anything, job, home, recreation, etc. His point was that the time we spend doing all that we do is allowed by God to continue. We wouldn't be able to live the life that we do without God. We should be happy to devote some of it to Him. He said that though we all can't do the same things, we can find out what we can do.
  • We recognize His presence more.
  • We have a desire to give more.
  • We become more hungry for God.
Dr. Stanley shared very effective barometers for measuring our spiritual advancement. You can view his video of the lesson by clicking the link below.

God bless you to grow more in Him each day!

Source: "The Second Step - Growth". InTouch Ministries.

Image Credit:

Monday, September 8, 2014

4-Point Prayer Day: Extra Communication With God

Today is 4-Point Prayer Day for me. I'll get on my knees 4 times today, in addition to my regular Open Line of Communication with God. Why am I doing this? Because the additional actions of reverence and submission to God go a long way to boost my faith and reception.

I believe that one of the main reasons that we feel that our prayers are not answered is because we don't know how to receive. Practicing a day of getting on my knees 4 times is a jump-starter and rocket-infusion of spiritual positioning. I am making an extra effort to get into position to communicate with and receive from God. I am readying myself to grab hold of whatever it is that I need in order to advance to the next level of my spiritual walk. This puts me in a position to also receive into the natural, that which I've asked for and am believing God for in the spiritual.

Like fasting and other special activities before the Lord, 4-Point Prayer Day is not something that I will be doing often, or every other day. I want to preserve the power of this event, and not allow it to become a stagnant and boring habit. I'll do it as I feel the need. This process was given to me in my spirit a few weeks ago. I'm excited to now begin practicing it.

God bless your prayer life to reach
new heights of effectiveness!

Image Graphic Credit: Wake Up To Jesus

Sunday, August 24, 2014

With Faith

If you have received this week's post via email or maybe feed, you may not be able to see this video by Kutless, titled What Faith Can Do.
Follow the link to the blog so that you can be inspired by this great song, which has the lyrics displayed also.

Just another reminder that it is your growing faith that will carry you through to all of the wonderful blessings that you are believing God for.

Without faith you cannot stand firm and wait, expecting what he has already sent your way.

Faith is necessary to obtain what you have asked God for.

You can tell what you have faith in by what you do each day.

If you say you have faith that something great is going to happen in your life, and you don't find yourself doing little things to prepare for it, you don't REALLY believe it. If you don't REALLY believe it, you can't receive it. So the question to ask yourself is this, If I have asked and confessed that I believe that God has heard me, and that this thing is done in God's spiritual world, why am I not preparing to receive it in my natural world? Why am I going about each day as if nothing is coming? Why am I having to ask God for the same thing over and over again, if I really believe that it is done?

It is easy to grow your faith. Ask God to increase it, and then obey as he prompts you. He will make sure that you will feel the prompting when he does it. It will be up to you to respond and obey.

Without faith it is impossible to please God, because God is pleased when our lives reflect health, wealth, happiness, joy, peace, compassion, love, long-suffering, goodness and meekness, under all circumstances. These things bless us and elevate us above the darkness of this world. God is happy and pleased when we are living with his best and growing into more of his best, every day, no matter what our circumstances are. These things can be received only through faith.

Jesus said to him, If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes. 
(Mark 9:23, NKJV)

Belief is the same as 
F * A * I * T * H.

Scriptures taken from: Bible Study Tools

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Good Thinking For Good Things

I read this encouraging devotion in a Guideposts booklet titled Courage: Finding Your Strength In Troubled Times:

One of the most powerful traits in human nature is that when you maintain a mental attitude of trust and faith-when you hope, dream, believe, pray and work toward God's assurance-you will create conditions in which every good thing can come to you.

It reminds me of the popular belief that 

like attracts like.

It is also the inverse of misery loves company, Murphy's law and garbage-in-garbage-out. There are many passages in the Bible that encourage the growing Christian to surround himself with positive-thinking people, in other words to be equally yoked. The Bible also teaches us that within the realm of faith, Murphy's law does not and cannot exist. It is not true that anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

Another important principle that the Bible promotes is that in studying and thinking upon good things, we input them into our hearts. From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, or


Our words always get their cue from what is in our hearts.

The Bible also alerts us that in determining to think good, positive, healthy thoughts, we are maintaining a mental attitude of trust and faith in God's ability and love for us. As a result, our thoughts and words will create the future that we desire; whether tomorrow, next week or next year. In essence, we will be opening the door and paving the way for God's goodness to come in and flourish.

Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.
(Proverbs 4:23 KJV)

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.
(Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)


Quote Credit: (c)2008 Peale Center for Christian Living Guideposts Outreach

Scriptures Taken From: Bible Study Tools,

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Ask For Courage To Hold On

Some challenges and trials just seem to be too severe to continue enduring. We're not sure how to handle a particular situation that is unfair, depressing, painful, distressing or even devastating. We wonder why it is happening. Like with Job, some may come to say that we've done something wrong, or offended God in some way, but Job had not committed any wrong that justified his suffering. When we honestly can't think of an offense that we may have done, we are once again puzzled and depressed about why this agonizing situation is happening to us.

Sometimes, we feel guilty about past thoughts and deeds, and wonder if we are being punished for them. If we believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ and all that He did to pay the price of sin for us, we know that God does not punish us. When we remember the absolutes of the Gospel, we again wonder why we are going through this. We again ask why is it happening.

We understand that though we've been forgiven by God through Jesus' sacrifice for us, often we have to live with the consequences of past deeds. Sometimes we can make them right and enjoy smooth sailing regarding those deeds, and sometimes not. God does not always prevent or alleviate the reaping in this earth of what we sow. If this is not the case, reaping for sowing, regarding a particular trial, then what is it?

The truth is that there is often no answer, that we could ever find in this world, for what we are suffering through. Sometimes we are not given an answer when we ask God why. It has been said that some answers will not come until we are with God. Of course, ironically it probably won't matter then.

Whatever the cause of what you are going through, if you believe God and His Word, you will want to hold on through it all. You'll want to endure until the end of the trial; because often there is a special blessing in it for us. There is often the growth to be had that we need in order to receive the higher up blessings that we desire. And the end will come, one way or another. God has ordained an end to suffering I once heard someone say. I believe that. Whether your trial is mental, physical, emotional, social, financial, etc., it will not go on longer than God allows. It is to the Christian that all things work together for good. It is to those who believe that God takes hard and difficult things and turns them in to something good.

Dear Lord: Bless this reader with courage to hold on to faith and to endure what you have allowed. Help him to stand firm and obtain the blessing that this trial will provide. Give her the wisdom to discern between what you have allowed and what circumstances are not of you. Bless him with the knowledge to end any trial or challenge that is not ordained by you. In Jesus' name I ask. Amen.

Background Image In Graphic Credit:

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Keep Growing And Flowing

I know that you are committed and faithful about seeking God's face. You are faithful in drawing nigh to him. You don't seek counsel from those who don't love the Lord. You refuse to practice the un-Godly ways of unbelievers. You don't socialize with those who scorn the Kingdom of God.  You delight in the things of God, and you meditate in his Word day and night. You work out your salvation with fear and trembling every day. Because of this lifestyle, you are like a tree planted by the rivers of waters, that brings forth fruit in it's season. Your leaf shall not wither, and whatever you do shall prosper. You are on a roll, in God and for God.

waterfalls photo: Cascadas Azul in Chiapas, Mexico 47587CascadasdeAguaAzulChiapasMe-1.jpg 

You will run across others who desire for you to be bound, as they are, because they have not advanced as you have. They will want you to be fearful, as they are, because they are still living in fear. They will want you to draw back, as they do, because they can't move forward in their faith, or lack of faith. Don't buy into it. Don't receive it. Allow your faith, your God-given insight and your power through freedom in Christ to reign. Don't turn back. Don't be drawn back. Keep pressing forward in studying and learning. Rivers of living waters flow from your belly, but that water is only for those who will partake of it, as God ordains.

As you continue to be filled with blessings, you will bless. Flowing waters of blessings from God in to you. Flowing waters of blessings from God out to others who are ordained to receive. Don't allow those who can't receive from you to stop your flow. Get wisdom. Get understanding. Protect your relationship with the Lord.

Dear Lord: Send anointed friends and associates to those who are growing in you everyday. Close the hedge of protection around your servants who obey you, and who prove daily what is your good and acceptable and perfect will. We thank you for only allowing the appointed ones to get through to close fellowship with them. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Psalm 1:1-3
Romans 12:2
Philippians 2:12
John 7:38
Proverbs 4:5,7
Proverbs 16:16

Image Credit: loewus9_photos
Scripture References: Bible Study Tools

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Fullness Of All Three: Don't You Want It?

No matter what you call them, we need all 3.

There is great debate about whether or not there is just one God, or three beings, and whether or not the Godhead should be called a Trinity. No matter what you call them, we need all 3. Many of us need strong comfort, and we need it everyday. God sent His Holy Spirit into this lost and dying world to comfort us. (John 14:16, 26). He fills us positionally, and additionally whenever we ask for a fresh refilling. Without the ever-abiding work of the Holy Spirit, there would be much more worldwide chaos and suffering than there is.

Paul, that great converted Christian-hater, said that he kept nothing back "that was profitable" from those whom he taught. He testified equally to the Jews and the gentiles that we should have "repentance towards God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ" (Acts 20:20-21).

Some declare that they worship God, but vehemently reject Jesus Christ of Nazareth as the only avenue to God, and label Him as just a prophet and a good teacher. Jesus said, "He that hates me hates my Father also" (John 15:23). In the 14 and 15 chapters of the Gospel of John, Jesus talks extensively about His position as being the One through which we are able to reach, connect with and commune with God. He establishes that He is the way through which God has chosen to forgive each individual who chooses to walk through that door.

Some swing in the far opposite direction, choosing to idolize Jesus when Jesus himself declared that only God is good. Jesus consistently pointed to God as the source of love, and the provider of The Comforter and The Sacrifice, which was Jesus. Jesus sacrificed His earthly life for us because God provided Him as a sacrifice. Jesus' sacrifice is Our Hope. Sure we have a lot to be thankful to Jesus for, but Jesus was obedient to God. Jesus also said "the Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the works" (John 14:10). Additionally, he did not say no man comes unto himself, but "no man comes unto the Father but by me" (John 14:6).

Repentance to God puts us in a position of forgiveness. Faith in the atoning Blood of Jesus puts us in a position of remission. Receiving the Holy Spirit puts us in a position of reception. God forgives us. The Blood of Jesus releases us. The Holy Spirit helps us to receive the goodness of God, and comforts us each day as we wait for God's avenging of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Don't be taken in by the battle over words and titles. God is in Heaven. Jesus is at his right hand. The Holy Spirit is in this world. Decide for yourself that you will live in the fullness of the Godhead. Give them a name, or not. Receive all that God has to give, through all of His avenues. He loves us so much. Love originates with Him. Don't forget WHO it was who gave us Jesus.

Scriptures taken from the KJV.
Image Credit: joahkim2375

Friday, January 31, 2014

The After-Prayer: The Most Effective Of Them All

kite festival photo:  SDC11165.jpg

Have you ever had a good prayer session, and then as you were getting up you made another statement to God? Has that statement been asking or pleading with God? Has it been a statement of praising him? Have you ever made a quick and unplanned statement of thanks to God after your intense prayer session? These quick, barely discernible after-prayers are wrung from our spirits and offered up, without planning, guile or deceit. Just what are these after-prayers?

They are the prayers after our prayers and are the most pure and impassioned, because they are not contrived. They are spontaneous and natural. The striking, intensely emotional prayer of a righteous man is of much advantage, profit and assistance. There is nothing wrong with the long, constructed prayers that help us to organize our thoughts and come before God with confidence. These types of humble offerings can also be capable of producing the intended result. After-prayers, however, come closer to communing with God.

These authentic, powerful and ardent prayers are the simple statements that are birthed from us in unintended devotion. The length is not important, because they are often one, two or three sentences. They are cast up unawares to God. When you recognize that you have offered up an after-prayer, be thankful and rejoice. They are like whispers, like the Holy Spirit. They are uncluttered with superfluous words and thoughts. They are petitions and thanksgivings that are truly fervent and effectual. They are honest and deeply-felt, a sweet incense to God, whom we can only really worship in spirit and in truth.

The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

James 5:16 KJV

Word definitions taken from: The Free Dictionary by Farlex
Scripture references taken from: Bible Study Tools
Image credit: FunkyMonkeySnacks07

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Removing The Blinders

It's good to see what has always been there, whether it is something good or bad.
Pray for the clearing away of the fog in your mind, for the truth to come to light regarding something about which you've deceived yourself for a long time.
Experience the beginning of a new freedom, today.

The weapons we use in our fight are not the world's weapons but God's powerful weapons, which we use to destroy strongholds. We destroy false arguments;....
(2 Corinthians 10:4 Good News Translation)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Your Power Is In Your Privacy

If you are a Bible-reader, and choose a place in the Bible where you've never been, and read there one day, you'll be pleasantly surprised.  If on the other hand, you've never read in the Bible, and would be ashamed for someone to know if you did, no one has to.

Pick any place you want in the Bible, and read a sentence or two.  You can read one short paragraph, and only you need know.  How can I say you'll be pleasantly surprised, whether a Bible reader or not?  Because along with what you've heard about in the Bible, there is much more of which you've never heard.  There are statements there that have been misquoted for decades.

What you will find will be interesting to you.  It may even be helpful.  I know that you may not feel that you need help with anything.  That's why you're reading my blog on hope, right?  Well that's okay, because I don't think I need help with many things either.

If you're afraid that the Bible will be Greek to you (no pun intended), don't let that stop you.  There is a comprehensive site that I use that offers the Bible texts in many versions.  You can search from the beginning of the Bible, using a word, phrase, or scripture like the 23rd Psalm, or Psalm 23.  You don't have to sneak a Bible into your house.  Just visit Bible Study Tools .

If you're a Bible reader, read something that you've never read before.
This is where your new power is.

If you've never read any of the Bible, or very little, pick something to read.  No one has to know.  Your power is in your privacy.

No matter what our situation, our needs or lack of, or our frame of mind, we all can recognize the value of power.

He gives me new strength. He guides me in the right paths, as he has promised.
(Psalm 23:3 Good News Translation)
Image Credit: Outburner 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

What Difference Does It Make, If Any At All?

Obey the prompting, in faith, and it'll all work out.  God promises to replace, in this world, in our present lives, what we feel we may miss.  I know because it has happened to me several times.

Once when I threw away a paperback book because some of the content would turn my mind away from the good things of God, an amazing thing happened.  I think the book was a Christian romance.  The main character had a flashback about erotic details of a previous relationship.  Because of that, there was the potential of similar flashbacks occurring in the story.  I had read about 1/3 of it, and wanted to learn the end.

I felt in my spirit that I didn't need to know the end.  I tried to convince myself that I could finish the book, glossing over any more flashbacks, but decided to toss it anyway.  It was not easy since my curiosity was so strong, and it almost stuck to my hand as I tossed it in the round file.

Satisfied, I still lamented that I'd have to find and start a new book right away.  The very next day, as I walked into the foyer of the community outreach where I helped out, there was a pile of hardback books on the donation table, where clothing usually was.  Loving the written word, I advanced to the table and saw that the dust jackets were similar paintings of town scenes. I'd never heard of Jan Karon and read on the back of one that it was a Christian novel, and that this author was a Christian.

The seven volumes were a series, with the first one titled At Home In Mitford.  I felt excitement rise, and feeling that it was too good to be true, I asked anyway.  As I held my breath, because I wanted them so badly, I was told that they were free, that I could take what I wanted.  I almost tip-toed to the table, nervous that someone would rush out and prevent me from claiming such a wonderful gift.  As I piled them into my arms, I knew that they were a reward from my God, for my obedience, not sacrifice, to his Spirit.

Ms. Karon had written 2-3 more in her wonderful series about Pastor Tim.  They are about a clean Christian romance, with comedy and drama, and spiritually encouraging.  I would say that I got a seven times return on my investment, wouldn't you?  I eventually checked the others out at the library.

The thing is that God didn't need me to give up that book, but it strengthened me.  It also helped me to understand a little more about who God is.  He does not take things from us, and jerk us around.  If his Spirit nudges us to do or not do, it will help us, not cheat us. 

Obeying the prompting of the Spirit is vital in every area,  regarding associations with others, things, thoughts, circumstances, plans, pursuits, everything.  Spiritually, and therefore technically, we cannot accurately choose of what to deny ourselves.  The Holy Spirit pinpoints the things which daily should be denied.

Samuel, a prophet, priest and judge, knew that obedience is always better than sacrifice.  Sacrifice is generally something we have chosen to give up, so we don't feel very much tension about it.  We feel pious.  When we obey God's prompting, it may feel uncomfortable, or even painful at first.  It is certain however, that we'll be strengthened and righteous, rather than pious.  Our sacrificial choices bring fleshly joy and no lasting significance.  What God asks us to do/not will result in spiritual joy and eternal significance.
Allow God to daily chose the sacrifices, obey the prompting of the Spirit and choose strength.  You'll be storing up valuables in heaven, where they will not become obsolete or stolen.  Your heart will be for things of God, helping you to lose your attachment to non-beneficial things in this world.

Don't focus on denying, because often failure comes through denying.  It's founded upon our fleshly strength, which is weak.  The spirit of man is willing.  The flesh is weak.  Just listen, and obey.  That's founded upon the power of God through his Spirit, which is strong.  If we can remember that God always has our best interest at heart, we'll listen and obey much more often, and not waste time on picking what to sacrifice.  Jesus Christ was the ultimate sacrifice for everything.  We don't have to do that anymore.

Luke 9:23
I Sam. 15:22
Matt 6:19-21
Col. 3:2 
Luke 9:24

Books by Jan Karon at Amazon

Image Credit: midnightlounge

Monday, March 4, 2013

Do You Want To, Or Not? It's As Simple As That.

If you want to do it, there is always a way, and you find it.

If you don't  want to do it, there are obstacles.

The realization of your dreams

is as simple as that. 

Everything is possible for him who believes. 
Mark 9:23 NIV

Image Credit: guillenperez 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Your Plan CAN Succeed

Having a plan is necessary to accomplish your wishes, as well as to manage your life successfully.  God encourages us to make wise plans.  He also suggests that we entrust our plans to him.  He does not want to constrict or restrict them.  So why should we want to commit our plans to him before we start them?  Because he can  help us to have the thoughts that will ensure that our plans really happen.

The plans of many never come to pass.  It's not because their plans are not good.  It's often because they don't think along the proper channels after they conceive their wishes. It takes certain types of specific thoughts, and the mental stamina to hold those thoughts, to bring elusive plans to pass.

Of course you can create what you determine are good thoughts in order to nudge your plan towards fruition.  Will those thoughts be on target?  Will they be on the mark?  Will the thoughts that you design, without consulting God, hit the bullseye so that you will realize the fulfillment of your plan?

God wants to supplement our thoughts with his perfect and effective thoughts.  He wants to help us to hold those thoughts by recognizing and casting down undermining imaginations.  He wants us to identify and annihilate every thought that counteracts his knowledge within us.

It takes a special kind of strength to acquire targeted thoughts, to produce them and hold them at critical times.  Our fondest and most life-changing plans are nothing but pipe dreams and vacant daydreams, without relying on God to establish our supporting thoughts.

Ask the Lord to bless your plans, and you will be successful in carrying them out.  (Proverbs 16:3 Good News Translation)  Trust God to take care of any adjustment that needs to be done.  There is more to what you want than you think.  God knows just how to help you obtain it.

Do you want your plans developed upon pertinent, God-wise thoughts?  Do you want those vital thoughts planted and rooted in your mind, available for you to call upon at a moment's notice?  You should.  What good will it do you to bring a crippled plan to success, only to see it disappear in a puff of smoke?  It stands to reason that plans founded upon good, pertinent, established thoughts will also themselves be established.

Image Credit: Jingles the Pirate